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LOL!! Baak's Locks are both having a "bad hair day"! ;)

Baak has his 2nd Lock selected when he goes to "T" (Heal) the Zerks but makes a Ring of Fire instead! LOL! After this - err... "distraction" - NKI/Baak/TS lose their Dorf! Doh!

Suddenly it's all even at 44% to 44%! Wow!!

But NKI/Baak/TS pull together with some EXCELLENT teamwork to take the Hill!

Great Game All!!

"Hills of the Crow 2.0"
3v3: VR/LD/Q, NKI/Baak/TS
January 25, 2003 · Film

NKI and Baak both start at exactly the same spot and run into each other exactly like they did last game! lol! NKI goes for Baak's relentless Thrall while Baak Ghols NKI's Dorfs again!

Meanwhile, VR has stashed the Ball in a sharp bend in the river, hovering over it with a whole entourage of Dorfs. LD and Kaor do their best to dislodge it in one near-continuous battle that goes on right through Sudden Death! But before the end, Kaor leaves the fight for the Ball just long enough to take Baak out! ;)

NKI sneaks in his remaining Thrall and Dorfs right as VR blasts the Ball from Kaor's Thrall (was that a Wight perchance?) - it's a perfect pass to NKI's Dorfs and they start running their tiny little legs off! LD comes in with three Wights and even though the blast kills the Dorfs, NKI still takes it!

Great Game ALL!! :D

"Hills of the Crow 2.0 (Slugfest)"
FFA 5: LD, NKI, Baak, Kaor, VR
January 18, 2003 · Film

Our second long Sudden Death of the night! :)

One HUGE fight at the center! And it's a close one!!

This could be anybody's game - then suddenly Baak appears poised to take it... Oh Man! It's just Contested!

Q takes Baak out with a nice melee fight and it's all over!

Wow! Great Game All!! :D

FUNK: Check out Baak's Dorf that masquerades as one of HS's guys and is right in front of his Archers - attacking HS's Stygians! How'd he do that?! Then he has the audacity to go out, turn around, and blow up the Archers! lol!

"Green Paradise"
6 Team: HS, Baak, VR/NKI, Daro, TS, Q
January 11, 2003 · Film

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