For bringing me into this world, for the times we had together, for introducing me to paintball, for helping me become who I am today.
Father, I miss you, but I will never forget you. Thank You for being my Father.
For the original paintball units/models, for all the help you provided with Anim8or and all the AWESOME!! fixes and features you`ve brought to MII and the Myth Community through your tireless efforts and hard work.
Fe, all I can say is, I am not worthy!! I am not worthy!! :o)
For taking my HaXorD Read Me and turning it into this fine thing of beauty now before you. Thanks dOOb for all the help you`ve provided me. It is greatly appreciated!! :o)
A great bunch of guys that remind me of the good times I`ve enjoyed at CreationGames™ and the whole of the time I have been playing Myth.
Thanks guys for the laughs and fun and for helping Iron Duke get the input he needed so that Myth II v1.4, and therefore MPC, could be all that they now are. :o)
For the kick butt Colour Map and the sweet arse Sewer Models. Its because of talented Colour Mappers like you that I can concentrate on scripting, where what little talent I have resides. ThanX AgaiN & 'Get nekid' Bro !! ;op
For all the Tree Ambering and collection work and the help with the new unit collections. All your efforts are greatly appreciated. :o)
For converting MII 1.4`s 8 new Resolution Status Bars to match the existing 3 I had previously converted. What you did in 20 minutes Infininight would have surely taken me a half day at best. Thanks for freeing up my time so that I might actually play and not just test for a change. Also, much Thanks for the infinite amount of testings you helped me with. :o)
and finally...
For Ambering the Alpha Channels to my Tree collection when I couldnt find lank ;op for condensing my modified collections down for exporting many a M2 sound for me for fixing my captures tags so captures wouldnt crash for Ambering my renderings into collections for putting up with me as I kept asking for small tweaks and for giving MPC so much testing and feedback. Due to your diligence as the deadline approached MPC has 5 new units and not just the 2 it started with. Without all your help Haravikk, MPC would be far less than it is now. Finally, thank you for not dying on me before you finished the job. ::unshackles Haravikk and sets him free:: :o)
Names have been changed to implicate the guilty
Iron Duke woof lank Skarg Haravikk Infininight vinylrake True PeriL OzOne Doobie Coggs Savanarola Acrappa Orlando The Axe Grasshopper DeadMan ChrisP Disc GIANT™ StoneCold Oroboros Capital Cold Steel McChazO Grignard Zephirus OwlBoy Bullseye
For playtesting, and helping me root out some serious oversites, and for the feedback that influenced things in one manner or another, or sometimes not at all. ;op
. . . that I have played with or against over the years for providing the names, flavours, and story for Manistee Paintball Challenge. For providing fierce competition on the field and the great comraderi off the field.
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