At this point I would say look for the OoH game to be "open" for awhile (no password) - probably earlier in the evening and join then.
As Frumius said, you need to conform to the House Rules.
If you don't have plugin(s) that someone wants to play, you just wait until you can rejoin (we don't wait for people to d/l stuff during game night or we'd spend all night waiting).
If at some point OoH'ers want to make the game private again, then we let everyone know and close up for the night.
Battle Plan is where you can grab all the plugins we play. The BIGZIP's at the top get you everything in nice bundles. You can skip the last BIGZIP (rarely played) and you should be safe.
I'm adding a test plugin tomorrow (Sat) by Noon, but it's tiny and will be available as a separate zip there (clicking on any plugin name on the Battle Plan downloads an individual zip).