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| 1: General Field Description
| The field is filled with obstacles to help and hinder you. They include: hills, sandbags, trees, tall grass, tank traps, barbed wire, and crates.
Hills can provide effective cover against enemy tanks, and also provide an increased projectile range when throwing things from the top.
 | Sandbags:
Walls of sandbags surround many of the objectives, providing limited cover for troops and interfering with tank mobility. Sandbags can be destroyed by explosives.
The trees found on this map have a smaller impassible radius than those in regular Myth II, making it possible to get much closer to them, and in some cases shoot through copses of trees. They are also destroyable, by just about any kind of attack. Trees provide some cover, but are mostly useful just for getting in the way of tanks.
Tall Grass:
Clumps of tall grass found around the map are idea for hiding soldiers or claymore mines. Soldiers hiding in some places become almost invisible, allowing then to launch surprise attacks.
 | Tank Traps:
These large barriers allow soldiers to pass through unhindered, while forcing tanks to go around them. They are indestructible, and can provide decent cover.
Barbed Wire:
Barbed wire can also be found around some objectives, interfering with the movement of tanks and infantry. Barbed wire provides no real cover, and can be destroyed with explosives.
Crates are scattered about the landscape and make for a minor obstacle.
2: Recon Data
| A strategy map has been provided to assist in planning squad movements and keeping track of mines and traps. This map shows the elevation (lighter is higher) of the terrain, starting locations for the two team variants, and the locations of various netgame objectives. It can greatly help with communication during team games. The map can be found in the "strat maps" folder in two flavors: color ("Titans_Strat_Map(info)1.gif") and grayscale ("Titans_Strat_Map(info)2.gif"). They are 5 x 6 inch 300dpi GIF images, intended to be printed. Just about any graphics program or office suite should be able to print these files.
Here is a description of what the markings on the map mean:
- Small green dots: These represent the starting location for team one. They are only found in the bottom left of the map.
- Small red dots: These represent the starting location for team two. They are only found in the top right of the map.
- Larger red dots: These represent the locations of netgame objectives. They are all marked with red letters.
- "HQ-N" (red letters): The northern headquarters. This is where team two's flag for Capture the Flag games is positioned.
- "HQ-S" (red letters): The southern headquarters. This is where team one's flag for Capture the Flag games is positioned.
- "G1" through "G9" (red letters): These "goal" locations hold netgame objectives (flags and balls).
- "H1" through "H13" (white letters): These locations mark each of the 13 hills found on the map, numbered from south to north.
- Black letters and grid lines: These separate the map into a grid, making it easier to call out the locations of mine fields, enemiesand items. Saying "placing mines at L4" is a lot easier than saying "Placing mines to the left of that big hill in the southwest," and helpseliminate confusion. This grid matches the grid found on the overhead map exactly.
One the grayscale version of the map, items in red appear as dark gray, and items in green appear as light gray.
The overhead map can be obscured beyond the sight range of your troops at their starting locations, to prevent you from being able to see the actions of your enemy (laying mines, picking up items, setting claymores, blowing up obstacles, etc). The strategy map is helpful for familiarizing oneself with the layout of the map, and finding coordinates when they are obscured on the overhead map.
3: Titans Variants
| The Titans map contains 5 different "meshes" (distinct maps) which vary in units, teams, and item placement. The different meshes are described below:
WWII_Titans S-2 (SH): A standard two team map. Each side has the option of trading for up to 2 cannons or up to 24 soldiers.
WWII_Titans T-2 (SH): Another two team map. Each side has the option of trading for up to 2 tanks or up to 24 soldiers. On capture the flag games, each side gets three extra soldiers.
WWII_Titans T-2+ (SH): Another two team map. Each side has the option of trading for up to 5 tanks or up to 50 soldiers. On capture the flag games, each side gets three extra soldiers. Heavy winds sweep the map.
WWII_Titans D-A (SH): 15-start free for all map. The unit count varies depending on the difficulty level, as follows: Timid and Simple - 1 tank only; Normal and Heroic - 1 tank and 1 soldier; Legendary - 1 tank, two soldiers.
WWII_Titans Patrol (SH): 15-start free for all. The unit count varies depending on the difficulty level, as follows: Timid - 1 soldier; Simple - 2 soldiers; Normal - 3 soldiers; Heroic - 4 soldiers; Legendary - 6 soldiers or 1 tank (only for one starting location). The player with the tank gets a strong disadvantage in Body Count games, due to 6 soldiers being killed at the start.
Section D written by Cunbelin and EyeSore. |