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| 1: Fragmentation Grenades
 | Although designed for anti-personnel roles, fragmentation grenades are the premiere weapon for taking out tanks on the battlefield; a well placed grenade can nearly take out an M-61. It explodes 4 seconds after the pin is pulled (special ability key), spraying shrapnel and detonating other explosives in a small radius. Soldiers can carry up to 10 fragmentation grenades.
2: Incendiary Grenades
 | The incendiary grenade is a small petroleum-filled canister with a phosphorous detonator. It explodes on impact, spreading its fuel over the ground and starting a large fire. Incendiary grenades can be used to flush enemies out of cover or scatter enemy troops, giving your men an advantage in a gunfight. An incendiary grenade will explode if the soldier carrying it dies.
3: Smoke Grenades
 | The smoke grenade is a small yellow canister which spews out a thick cloud of smoke shortly after being thrown, making it an effective distraction and cover for advancing troops. The grenade smokes for about 30 seconds, then makes a small explosion which can be used to set off explosives on the ground.
4: Rocket Propelled Grenades
 | The RPG is essentially the same as the RPG from WWII: Recon. To fire the RPG, use the special ability key, then click on the ground about 40% of the way between the firer and the target. RPGs are difficult to aim, but can deliver a devastating blast over a very long range. An RPG will detonate if the soldier carrying it dies.
5: Heavy Machine-gun Belts
 | This belt of .30 caliber rounds can be used with your rifle to produce fully automatic fire, similar to that of the Scythe. You are limited to 40 shots per belt, and until the belt is exhausted you will need to use one hand to feed the ribbon and therefore give up the ability to throw grenades. The number of bullets remaining is displayed in your unit's inventory.
6: Anti-personnel Land Mine Packs
 | The land mine is a particularly effective defensive weapon, allowing you to guard important areas without having any troops in the vicinity. To plant a mine, simply place your soldier where you want the mine, press the special ability key, and move out of the area. Mines take about 5 seconds to arm, after which they become invisible, so you might want to remember where you put them. Mines come in packs of 5, and are best used in fields: either tightly clustered groups near important objectives or in loose patterns of ten or more to cover a well traveled area. It is preferable to have multiple soldiers laying mines at once, and use the formations to space mines apart. Since these mines were designed for anti-personnel roles, they aren't particularly effective against tanks.
7: Claymore Mines

 | The claymore is a remote detonation mine with a shaped charge designed to fire a directed shrapnel blast. The claymore is one of the most complicated weapons at your disposal but it can be used to great effect when operated properly. To arm a claymore mine (after picking it up) use the special ability key and click about 3 soldier widths away, throwing it in the direction you wish to direct the explosion. If done correctly there will now be two objects on the ground: the armed mine itself, and the detonator. Clicking at longer ranges will throw the mine, but it will not be armed, and no detonator will appear.

To detonate the mine, you will need to pick up the detonator, move to a safe position, press the special ability key, then click on the ground near the claymore and wait a few seconds. The detonator has three charges allowing it to be used for multiple claymores and has a range slightly longer than a thrown hand grenade. Claymores are best placed in bushes or other areas obscured from sight, to ensure maximum surprise. A tank will only take significant damage from a claymore if it runs directly over it as explodes.
8: Flamethrower
 | The flamethrower has been known to inspire great fear in the soldiers it is used against, and for just cause: it can be a very devastating anti-infantry weapon. The flamethrower fires a deadly stream of flaming gasoline at its target, setting everything in between ablaze. It is very effective at flushing enemies out of cover and forcing them to scatter, while inflicting heavy damage at the same time. The flamethrower carries enough fuel for three bursts and is used via the special ability key. Be aware that tanks take very little damage from the flames and that the fuel tanks have been known to explode if the carrier dies.
9: Flak Vests
 | The heavy armored flak vest was designed to increase a soldier's odds of surviving battle by absorbing much of the force behind bullets and shrapnel. Although the vest roughly triples the defense of its wearer, it covers all field gear so grenades are unusable while wearing the vest. To remove the flak vest, press the special ability key and click on the ground.
10: TNT Vest
 | This suicidal weapon transforms an unlucky soldier into a powerful walking bomb. The vest packs enough explosives to easily take out an enemy tank, or a large group of soldiers, which can be detonated using the special action key. Be warned, there is no way to remove the vest once it is equipped, and the vest will explode if the wearer dies.
11: Medkits
 | The medkit contains all the basic materials to fix up everything but death. The Medkit has a very short range and will heal the patient to about 80% of full health. Simply press the special ability key, click on the soldier you wish to heal and wait for the medkit to take effect. It is normal for a soldier to bleed profusely while the medkit is being used on him. Medkits can also be used to repair cannons to very near full health, and tanks to about 50% health.
12: Artillery Shells
 | Leftovers from a previous battle, these artillery shells serve as more of a dangerous obstacle than a useful weapon. They can be thrown by soldiers for a grenade-like effect, but their weight severely limits the range. To throw a shell, use the special ability key.
Section C written by Cunbelin and EyeSore. |