Elfoid, what a drag! Backup, backup, backup. I lost a hard drive full of goodies once, and now I keep a complete bootable drive backed up to within 3 days and available at all times. Ouch!
I just checked, and Imperium's forums have over 21,000 posts! We have a different "Colisseum" for each game we play (there are seventeen in the list), and the
Mythos one is by far the HUGEST with 5,397 posts
Go myth! Wahoooo!
Imperium is like a very large H'Pak: totally in it just for the fun, no wankers at all, and prolly most ppl have at least a wife/husband (we have the females represented too) and mb a kid or more. Prolly like 1.x kids each. I have 1.0 myself. there are 75 members, but about a 3rd of them have very few posts...I actually have the 2nd most posts (1537 as of this morning)! Imperium started September 29, 2002. It began w/ the Myth orders of TFB, VBL*, and V8. I was tfb/vbl (was in tfb on bnet, but tfb didn't make a pmnet order and many of us just joined vbl, which was our best friend from bnet.)
*vbl = two things: Vehemens Bellum Ludo (furious war play, approximately) and Venice Blind Lmoth...which I still love to play!