Frumius Wrote:vr, you put that site together? That is AWESOME. It's an incredibubble resource! I must post its link over at the Imp forum.
Thanks Frum - glad you find it useful. I've been trying to consolidate and reorganize my myth junk over the past year+ so far it's resulted in the Map Atlas, the Myth Graveyard, and a slightly more organized general world. There is still a lot of junk in little subsites that I need to weed through. Hopefully more chunky goodness to come.
The dictionary is one of the items on the main menu bar near the top of the page - it's link is the word "lingo".
Thanks for the error info - I *just* added some search logging yesterday afternoon and apparently forgot to test something. It should be ok now.
Oops, I noticed you forgot to include zz rdf50modz Test51h !
Heh, when I know what it does, I'll include it.
Heh, seriously, Vr, incredibly I do have some maps that aren't on that. Do you want them? Is that ok to just hand 'em out like that?
Well here's the scoop - I don't actually host any of the maps myself so I am not distributing anything except info *about* the maps. All the download links point to *other* places the maps can be found online - mostly PlayMyth, MythForums, Magma, TrainingHall, The Package, Myth Addicts and a couple of ftp sites I think. The Atlas is just a place to find out ABOUT maps, not a place to actually download them from. Kind of like a music magazine. No actual music just articles about music and advertisements for places that sell music. Except for the advertising and actually making money bit of course.
That said, if you have info about maps or maps that aren't listed there I would love to get a hold of them - I have a lot of maps on my hard drive at home that I haven't added to the Map Atlas yet so there might be some overlap between what you have and what I have that's not listed on the site yet - but I am sure you have some I don't. Maybe we could do a CD map exchange project or something.