Two Saks Wrote:Hmmm. just a thought, what if the person is kneeling face to us, looking down, face not totally visable. The person sees a reflection that maybe looks like them - but it is a reflection? another person? the same person? Maybe the figure is reaching out with their hand, to see if the reflection follows or not...
Hmm, hmm...This is an intriguing idea. I'd have to put the figure somewhere on the upper half of the portal/well/pool so the face would be partially or more toward us and its reflection somewhat visible. Maybe at like 1 or 2 o'clock on the rim, I'm thinking.
Da Elfoid Wrote:could the figure sorta be being sucked inside? (See the opening scene of Jumanji for the kind of thing I mean).
This was an idea I was considering, too, but my figure sorta went to this stone texture and I didn't feel it would get sucked/dissolved into the pool in that state as opposed to if the figure were more flesh-like.
I love that you all have given such great feedback, thanks a bunch. I do consider the ideas, I imagine them in the scene; what they would look like, how it would work, where to put them, and how it would contribute to the image's meaning for both me and other viewers. Of course it'll mean different things to different people no matter what, but I have some influence over how others will react in a general sense through the elements that I ultimately put into it; i.e. a dark mood vs light, comic vs serious. Even the title will influence what people will feel. "Plumbing the Depths" probably connotes different thoughts from a title like "Memories."
I think we all agree this one is dark. I usually like to just let my images mean whatever they mean to individual viewers, but of course they are expressions from within me. How could they not be? Most of the time I am really just trying to make somethig far out. Well, I always want it to be far out, but usually I'm not actively making a statement or expressing something. This one, though, is about loneliness and longing. Without the figure that message is lost, I think.
I think what this figure is doing goes well with my meaning, and perhaps the figure you thought of, too, TS. It would mean I'd have to get off my lazy butt and take more pictures and fuss with them to get them to work (turn them to stone like the other one) so...inertia to overcome on that one. That figure in there is me, did I mention that earlier? Future figures prolly would be too.