by Jungle Pickle » Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:51 pm
I will solve the mystery for you.
The person in front, who is obviously using an iPod, is not Jungle Pickle. Though JP did possess the receipt for such a thing, it is well known that <i>pickles have no ears</i>. The rely on keen senses of smell and sight, as well as a sophisticated sonar that is also completely useless in the dense jungle.
The person behind him, with the black hair, is also not Jungle Pickle. Mrs. Evelyn Hootinannigaricus reported seeing him in a French restaurant earlier, at 7pm. Pickles must spend at least 7 hours a day soaking in brine, starting from no sooner than 3pm. This person therefore is not a Pickle.
The man in the seat with the bag is ALSO not Jungle Pickle, for he is sleeping in public. If you nap in the Amazon you will be immediately skeletonized by rabid jungle frogs.
As for the man in the window... he's driving the train. This requires qualifications. Put simply, Pickles object to formal schooling or testing as a form of decadent capitalism. This person is therefore also not Jungle Pickle.
JP is, in fact, right behind you. The whole picture business was meant to distract you and allow for the opportunity to creep up unawares. Cheerio!