i've never actually sold anything on e-bay in my life till tonite. i just kinda wanted to share this with everyone because i think its kinda funny. it just goes to show that even the strangest or most rediculous items can be worth a lot to some people.
a couple of weeks ago i was just kinda surfing the internet and i ran across the burger king website, and they were selling these goofy masks of the burger king King, for like 9 dollars, well after shipping was added in the total came to almost 20 dollars. so i kinda debated for a while on if i should get one or not, so i decided what the hell, and i got one. i mean i like the burger king King i think he's kinda cool, in a creepy strange sorta way, and a good role model for children too. so anyways, a couple of days ago my mom calls me and tells me i got a package in the mail. i have packages and things that i order go to my mom's house since i don't have a real mail box where i live. and she asked me what was inside and i told her it was a burger king mask, and she went on to scold me and told me i shouldn't be wasting my money on stupid things. well that night i was on e-bay and i decided to do a search for "burger King masks" just to see if people were selling them on there. and my jaw dropped because they were going for like a hundred bucks each on e-bay. so of course i'd take a hundred bucks over my burger king mask anyday. so i put my Burger king mask on there to see how mcuh it would get me once it sold, so check out how much i got for this thing http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6571524606
Edit: apparently the price got so high because burger king had made only 10,000 of the things and sold out of them on their website, so the only place left to find the masks were on e-bay