These forums are for:
- The game of Myth (Myth: TFL, Myth: SB, Myth: WA)
- OoH announcements/support/discussions
- Other games
- Star Trek
- Just about anything else (see below)
Please read the pertinent Read Me files included with OoH Plugins, and please read the RDF Manual before posting RDF support questions - or I will keel u!
In addition to the conditions agreed upon during registration:
- NOTICE: You must be 13 years or older to use these forums. Please post topics in the pertinent categories and refrain from non-gaming discussions unless you are posting in Gabber's Corner (our General Discussion forum). Please refrain from political and religious discussions on these forums, as well as anything that might violate applicable laws. Advertising and/or soliciting is not allowed. We are not responsible for content posted in these forums, or for anything beyond these forums (such as links to the outside, etc.). Anything the Administrators and Moderators find offensive, inappropriate, or annoying can and will be removed without notice. You will be banned if you can't play nice - SO PLAY NICE!

- IMPORTANT: If you're curious how to become an OoH Special Guest or Member, read this post at the top of Gabber's Corner.
