I also went through the display page itself (the grid) and updated it a bit:
- After the list of recently updated plugins first, the remainder are sorted alphabetically within the three groups: OoH, 3rd-party must haves (3+), 3rd-party played less (3-). If you want to see the whole list alphabetically, just click on "Plugin Name" as always
- 7-Zip (.7z) files have been added for the BIGZIP's and a handful of other files. This is semi-experimental, but allows for smaller download sizes - mainly for the BIGZIP's. I don't know of the best software for the Mac to decompress .7z files, but 7-Zip or WinRAR work for the PC. Let me know if you know of a good one for the Mac and I'll post a link on the top of the BP (where the link for 7-Zip is located).
- The #DL (number of downloads) was slightly confusing before. It was showing total #DL (OoH+TheTain) and then a link (if it exists) for OoH stuff at The Tain with the #DL on The Tain as the link. It's now broken into three columns: "OoH #DL", "Tain #DL", "All #DL". Thus you can see the #DL here, on The Tain, and the total of both. Purely funky trivia stuff that I like to follow. Right now I only put OoH stuff that's posted on The Tain in the "Tain #DL" column, and the number is also a link straight to that page. In addition, I put a little dagger for entries that have a star rating on The Tain, and a double-dagger for those that have a rating plus review(s). If you float the mouse pointer over the number, you'll see the full #stars/#reviews. It was too hard to put that info on the page itself, and since it almost never changes I thought this was better.
- I added the "most recent download" to the display at the top (along with total bytes/downloads served) - again just for the heck of it.
Let me know if you have any problems downloading. It appears quite stable now but don't hesitate to let me know.
I occasionally see people start a download which I imagine they are planning on resuming but then never do. With those I can't tell if they ran into a problem or not (even with all the logging), because they could simply drop their connection for whatever reason and never get back to it. These are the ones I'd also like to know about.