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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:28 pm
by Two Saks
That's about all I can say right now. I have spent the last 3:31 minutes in horrific fascination, not knowing whether to laugh, cry, cheer or simply tear out my eyes and stuff them in my ears. Could this be one of those rare cases when the utterly terrible goes to such an extreme it wraps around to the realm of brilliance? Another sign of the Apocolyse???

Actually his voice isn't that bad. What kind of feeling does one need to be hooked on to produce this????

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:07 am
by Frumius

What else can I say? Except, er...

It has a certain amount of camp.

I can't be critical, though, cuz look at the two I made, heh: Life of Grindin' and Rubadub Poker . The first one is the larger download, and they actually start loading as soon as you get there. Video is not my thing and I sort of have these tucked away on my site, heh, but I did it for my friend--the rap guy in the videos (I'm not even a rap music liker, lol). They were fun to make, just using iMovie, too. Recently I've started to fiddle with Final Cut Express, which is much more powerful than iMovie.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:20 am
by vinylrake
The Hasselhoff videos are the best argument for "why power in the hands of the wrong people is a bad thing" I have seen in a long time. The Hooked on a Feeling reminded me of the ransom note style documents some people produced when the mac (with it's easy to produce multiple fonts) first came out.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:28 pm
by Jungle Pickle

Is the most hilarious thing...

I have seen...

In my life.

I will never find anything funny again.