Ninja Squid
Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:36 pm
by Jungle Pickle
Hey folks! I wanted to show you these little creations of mine:
It's a good thing sunlight burns and I think girls are icky, or else I'd have to find something else to do with my time.
Hey you got your squid in my ninja!
Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:21 am
by vinylrake
Very Fun JP - "Squid" is one of my favorite words, I use it all the time (or at least whenever I can - I often drop into random conversation like kid-"Dad, what are we having for dinner" me-"Raw Monkey brain soup and squid juice". kid-"mmmm, sounds good, what's for dessert?" And having an ex-ninja in the family I am partial to them too. Put them together and you have a killer combo imo.
**** spoilers follow ****
I particularly liked the general infusions of random ninja-ness in ninja squid's thinking, along with rock and roll (Gdim player bullies too) and lines like "The only true death for a ninja is failure".
The conversation between NS and the Big Dojo in the Sky master (aka "King Slayatron, Lord of Ninjas") was pretty sweet too.
heh... just finished the third one; "Calamary Jane"