Okay VR, let's see if this one strikes your fancy since apparantely the sputtering start failed to strike your fancy. Since you had the stones to haze me we're gunna see how well you can take it
My name is Cletus Van Damme and I am a mythaholic. In my spare time I shamelessly hit on VR's mom and when the cash is handy we will occasionally setup a 3 day motel6 rendezvous becuase apparantely that is high class to her satisfaction. After burning through my wallet (oh how ye have shrank) and using jedi mind tricks to send her home, I login to myth in (futile) attempts to find VR and bombard him with meaningless questions such as what are the meanings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of mythingness.
Once I send the old hag home I occasionally make time to play moar mazz with sillek and waste the next 3 hours of my life watchinig watcher get stoned, sober up wtih some ghol love and get stoned again. Somebody needs to tell me how he got bahl'al status by getting stoned all day, cuz that doenst seem very godlike to me. Then again, I guess if I was all powerful getting beat up by a puny archer and dying to a meleeing mortar would be how I'd want my day/life to end.
Otherwise I spend time forum trolling and hoping that jessica alba got the pictures and the nice letter and that i would someday soon lure her away and i could dismiss VR's mom for good! However, the only thing I've ever received was a cease and desist letter from an attorney claiming to represent her best interests, which is rather ironic because i am CLEARLY her best interest, or at least, i'm most interested in her, er... how does that work again? Btw can we privatize these posts for the sake of the trial?
Errr so... I'm a graduate (id say recently but its a little more complicated than that) with a Computer Engineering degree and I'm not afraid to use my knowledge to help fix firewall issues or to stalk people in my games! I got kinda skeeeered when VR accused me of being an internet spy because it could have meant that he found the cameras installed in his pad, but then he accused me of having partners so I knew my secret was safe. I'm currently seeking GAINFUL employment, I say gainful becuase you would be AMAZED at how many people offer to let me work for them for free (see: VR's mom). So I've been spending a disproportionate amount of time submitting resumes to a plethora of companies hoping somebody bites (sorry about the VR's mom reference again!) and sucks (ugggh again!) up all of my time so I stop worrying about knocking the rust off of myth skillz (or lack thereof) and instead find a way to make my car payment next month!
Oh... the rusty myth skillz... well I'm an oldschool TFL player and for all intents and purposes TFL may as well be a totally different game than m2. I still indulge in the occasional cb fight (I challenge ANY of you to a cb war!) and offer to teach people the long forgotten art which got me my crown amidst the bungienet bashers back in the day. I stopped playing in 2002 or so, and came back recently when an old buddy of mine was nice enough to send me the ISO when I was bored out of my mind and needed an escape. I'm sad to say I'm addicted again, but still learning the ropes of this myff2 game everybody speaks of.
Ima skeeeeered of playing some of these ooh plugs like weirdobodoboms or whatever it was called cuz the unit balance is whacked out (like mazz) and that throws off my myffing recovery abilities even MOAR but we shall see. As of now, I'm more interested in having fun and arguing with admins and finding gainful employment. If anybody's hiring in socal lemme know!
I'll finish it with my WONDERFUL OFFERING TO YOU ALL of teaching anybody who asks how to cb. Everybody still refuses to war me with it! And if you turn on VTFL i'm like... totally there. I'll also fill your head with (sometimes dirty) stories of being a pizzaboy for 3 years and working at the happieset place on earth... DISNEYLAND for a year! Love socal.
OH AND HI OOHERS! except VR, we already met when he found me at his mom's house and pulled out the shotgun! dont worry vr, I dont hold a grudge. I'll gladly dismantle your armies, dance on your grave and host drop if for whatever reason the sky is falling and somehow im losing =)
and after i beat you down i will spam the lobby with "PWND PWNT OMG OMG OWND VR GOT PWNT LOL GG GF NOOB LOL STICK TO COOPS MB LOL" and post the film of your dismantling on the forums.
oh and sil, its not that I dont love you man, cuz ya know, there's that whole bromance thing goin on there but, i totally need you to show up and control mazz in our games cuz i gotz no idea what im doing with it lol.