@ VR part 1: been on a "your mom" rant lately and you hit the crosshairs. nice attempt at a failed comeback but the only "comeback" thats come from your side of this world was when your mom called me and asked me to "comeback" to her cuz she missed me. gf.
@ VR part 2: I was actually trying to tread a line here to see what was and was not considered appropriate. Send me a PM of what needs to be blanked out and I'll gladly oblige, I wasn't entirely sure when I wrote it but I figured this was a decent way to find out, especially since if I'd sent it to you before you woulda "hazed the newb" part 2 with the magic edit wand. thx for the support :P
@ frum: adren used to play the same trowless matches with the old group back in the good old bungienet tfl days. He was good back then, havent really tested him out since i first logged in and was incredibly rusty and learning the m2 thing but that match was pretty even. I think if we did it again today I would wipe him all over the map (and you can tell him that if you like) because I've had some time to get used to the pseudo-cb physics offered by vtfl. I was talking to rabiez a while back, he used to CB lots too after we moved to mnet and he apparantely did the beta testing for vtfl cb. He's obviously really good at it because he told them what to change and what not to change. He still has insane reverence for me because he claims I'm the only one who ever beat him. I think its a lie (i'm sure many other people beat him) but he still sidesteps every challenge now so I musta scarred his psyche pretty good =)
If you are an amateur I will help you become a master, just find me (I'm often lobby trolling) or message me (on here because I get the email notification) and I'll gladly show up and show you what's what.
@ VR part 3: Welcome to myth. I've seen you play and thought somebody should show you a thing or two about the way things work around here. Let me lay it out for you.
1) we show reverence for people who are CLEARLY better than us. This means I get to be a jerk to everybody and you will pay me nothing but respect. Chittering monkey, on the forums he thinks himself so tall. And when he tries reach for high branch, he suffers the epic fall. GF VR.
2) CB domination is not open for debate. Put your money where your mouth is and slap me around a little bit. I will even let you hide in the water and i will STILL beat you with 0 losses. I base this on the assumption that you are incapable of noob clicking a dwarf standing 1/5 of a screen away from your 2 fetch, therefore you must not be able to cb any better. Welcome to myth, there is a starter guide for newbs thread on the mariusnet forums. I suggest you check it out. GF again.
3) we play nice on these forums. That means you can either chastize me and disregard everything stated above on these forums or you can attempt* to shut me up in game and save zeee feeelmz. GLA AND HF DYING LULZ.
4) You need to stop with the lingo and either speak in 1337sp33k or plain english. Please keep the tourettes-induced spasms of "good buddy" and "seventy threes" to yourself. Just remember that in a cb fight your entire army will be considered an MRE and my duffs shall feast upon ye.
GG VR. DAC 17, VR 1 (you won a small skirmish in the haze, see I can be fair and understanding)
@ sil: you are afk ALL THE TIME so you need to jump on aim or something once in a while so I can pull you back out of the abyss that is your mind and into MOAR MAZZ GAMES!