I've been helping test a plugin (I also wrote some stuff for the manual) for Myth II called Deadfall. While it isn't entirely finished, development has been going on since March and its almost finished. There have been some delays and I got permission to release the current build to the public for people to try out.
Deadfall is a competitive /cooperative team-based zombie survival plugin. You choose one of seven classes and try to survive the waves of zombies for as long as possible.
Here's the current manual if you want more information.
Deadfall b18.9
...and here's the link to the current beta if you'd like to play or help test.
Here's some screenshots:
The Pyro is on BBQ duty.
The laser in effect.
More laser.
Say hello.
He got screwed.
Once a teammate dies, he comes back as a more powerful zombie, so now you gotta kill him again...and again...and again...
Blasting your teammates is never a good idea when they can respawn and rend your flesh.
Everyone loves fire...
...and explosions.