Über Ghôl Riot - The Basics

The above pic is a snapshot of the Team UGR map on Leagues
from Somewhere. Notice there are piles of Goodies near the
team starts and then additional goodies scattered all over the field.
As in all UGR games, the Goodies are randomly
generated each and every game. This means each game of
UGR will be entirely different.
Gather you Goodies, organize your Ghôls and
Most of the UGR Goodies can dud and many of them can "come back to
life" after dudding and/or bouncing. Just a little bit of UGR wackiness
to keep life more interesting. So if a dud lands at your feet and you
are unarmed, it might be a really good idea to pick it up and chuck it
back at your enemy.
Ghôls will drop most Goodies they are carrying
when killed, with the exception of Healing Melons and Stone Pumpkins.
Thus you can suicide a lethal-item-carrying Ghôl amidst a group of
attackers by dying at their hands. Unless, of course, your Goodie duds.
Be careful when tossing something at Dorf Heads or
Mortar Rounds sitting on the ground - they can go flying before
they explode! Of course, this is yet another aspect of UGR you can use
strategically to your advantage. In fact, there's an über-funky™ move
I discovered while play-testing that I have yet to see anyone
else use along these lines. It's sweet when it
In addition to the Ghôl description changing to
include a hint as to what you are carrying - e.g. "Ghôl w/Mortar" - I
also made it so that you can see a little picture of the item you are
carrying in your Status Bar (including Ghôl blades).
LOTS of additional fine-tuning has been done to
the UGR Ghôls to make for the best possible combat
experience, including: the ability to toss uphill just as well as
downhill (this was surprisingly unbalanced in the standard game), no
height advantage to shooting from hills, and tons of other Patch 1.5+
settings (in fact, you must play UGR with Patch 1.5+ and
UGR Anywhere requires Patch 1.6+). The
% proportion of the various Goodies is carefully balanced, but
there will still be games where you'll encounter more of one item and few of another - this is all part of the "roll of the
dice" that makes UGR so dang fun!
Piñata Wights

Piñata Wights are the UGR Ambient Life and
appear in UGR Anywhere as
player-controlled units that look and act EXACTLY like the
ambient ones! Nothing else is brave (or stupid)
enough to hang around with Uber Ghôls. They differ from the
standard Wight in many ways, being a strange orangish color and moving
faster over all kinds of terrain. Don't underestimate them.
When the ambient Piñata Wights are killed, one of
the following happens (NOTE: the player units always
1: [40% chance] Turns into
SEVEN random Goodies! Woo hoo!
2: [40% chance] Blows up like a
regular Wight - stand back!
3: [20% chance] Dud. Pfffft... in a
cloud of bluish smoke.
Thus you can use them as a potential weapon - which may backfire and
give out Goodies - or dud. Or you may decide you want to try and
generate some (or better) Goodies and risk the potential explosion and
loss of ammo to attack them. Like a lot of things in UGR: use
them to your advantage!
Update: UGR Anywhere
now makes the orange pus generated by Piñata Wights
into a better weapon: Potent Pus - heal
your own Piñata Wights and get three of these
babies, or sneak your Piñata Wights into enemy
territory and blast away!
Bungie's Long Lost Swineherd Unit

I've created a modified version of Bungie's long lost Swineherd Unit as
a skittish hunting unit and - heh, this is really fun - as an
axe-wielding Stampede unit on the UGR and Dorf Riot maps on Leagues
from Somewhere!
The axe attack was hidden within the unit and is quite nasty,
making for some extremely interesting stampede games - you can hack
Ghôls to bits if you can get close enough!
The Swineherd's "Soft Death" (dying without being
blown up) appeared to be incomplete (and looked quite odd to me), so I
fixed it. It looks much better now. In fact, I've tweaked a lot of
little things to make this unit "complete" including a list of
appropriate names, a few missing tags, and re-wiring their celebration
sequence to allow for a taunt that is hilarious
- and slightly rude!
I've also created a plugin version of the tweaked
SwineHerd unit that is now available on the OoH Downloads
page! It replaces standard (and some non-standard)
stampede/hunting units on most maps. Play it "anywhere!"
I highly recommend playing
the Swineherd Hunting game on the UGR maps solo as a
way of learning how to play UGR:

Download Leagues from Somewhere,
UGR Anywhere, and Swineherd Stampede! from
the OoH Downloads
page now!
Let me know how you like Über Ghôl Riot! in the OoH Forums
GG's!! :D