RDF v5 Giants+RD's on "The Wild West"
Now you're probably thinking: "Dang, Baak, this sounds GREAT!! But how much does all this goodness cost?!?"
Think back to the days you first played Myth - remember how much fun it was? Remember that feeling?
That's what RDF is all about! I want you to feel that excitement again! Read on to find out about a very special offer available now for a limited time!
Not only do you get the insanely fun multiplayer action of RDF, but the entire RDF solo/co-op conversion has been reworked from scratch with new and much tougher Evil Rocket Dorf enemies!
"The Ibis Crown" played with the RDF v5 "solo g's vs erd's" Unit Set
I've also created two very special separate custom solo/co-op maps: "Banor's Keep" and "Return to White Falls" that replace "The Baron" and "Landing at White Falls" - neither of which played well in RDF solo due to scripting issues. These new maps are extremely challenging and fun! Play on Legendary if you dare!
"Banor's Keep" for RDF v5
"Return to White Falls" for RDF v5
And, as in RDF v3 (v4 was never made public), you can always play against the standard Myth II Solo levels. Hand Soulblighter and his minions some serious whoop-@$$! There's nothing quite as satisfying as launching a volley of Fireballs into wave after wave of Thrall...
So... you get the complete RDF unit conversion plugins - including the all-new Rocket Dorf Heroes, Giant Water Spiders, the other new RDF Units - PLUS TWO newly scripted solo maps never before available to the public - PLUS the all-new Evil Rocket Dorf enemies...
Now how much would you expect to pay for all this explosive goodness?
BUT WAIT there's MORE!
As an added bonus - if you download now - you'll receive at no additional charge some of Baak's coolest plugins that work great with or without RDF!!
Tired of the same old netgame balls? Tired of that same old WWII Barrel?
Baak's "Balls o' Fun" changes all netgame balls (Bacon/Captures/ScavHunt/BoP) into Giant, Mini, Wacky or Heavy balls - on *any* standard map - and on WWII, Alien Dark Tide, Wild West and Chimera!!
That's right - and you can use it with or without the RDF plugins! Giant or Heavy balls work GREAT with RDF for RD/Giant games (Heavy balls are perfect to limit the "ball launching" effect of rockets), while Mini balls are totally sweet for Mini/Mondo games! And they're ALL fun with Regular/WWII/WildWest/Alien units too - heck, you can even hide a dwarf behind those Giant Balls!
Mini Balls and Giant Balls on Gimble in the Wabe
To recap: You get the complete RDF unit conversion plugins - multiplayer and solo/co-op - the two RDF scripted solo maps, and the all-purpose ball converter plugins you can use with or without RDF units on any Myth ball game... NOW how much would you pay? What? You want MORE?!?
Flip those Flags!
Have you ever wished you could play "King of the Ball" on a map that has a standard King of the Hill Flag? I know I have. Maybe you've always wanted to play KotH with a Flag on that one map that does have a KoB Ball - well, now you can!
Play "King of the Ball" on *any* KotH map that normally plays with a Flag - including WWII, ADT, Chimera and Worlds Collide! - using Baak's "KotH Flipper"!
Use the KotH Flipper on it's own - or combine it with "Balls o' Fun" - for Giant, Mini, Wacky or Heavy King of the Ball games! OMG! Combine both with your favorite RDF Unit Set for a completely new myth experience! Dang!
RDF v5 Giants+RD's on "WWII:Recon" Koth using the KotH Flipper and Giant Balls!
RDF v5 Giants+RD's on "Alien Dark Tide:Ryushi" Koth using the KotH Flipper and Giant Balls!
Now how much would you be willing to pay? $49.99? $19.99?
How about: $0.00 !!
Baak'lor Studios is proud to bring you all this Myth II goodness for free! Yep, you heard me: FREE!!**
All I ask in return is this:
If you enjoy my creations, let me know! (via the Downloads Feedback form or the H'Pak Forums)
And spread the word!
This is my way to infuse one of the greatest games of all times (Myth) with something wildly fun! Do we have a deal? :)
IMPORTANT: This offer may only be available for a limited time so don't delay! Download NOW!
Stay tuned for EVEN MORE in the coming weeks and months: Custom Map Mods (great with or without RDF!), RDF Modz(tm), and MORE!
If you or your friends haven't played Myth II for awhile, this may well be the best reason yet to get back into the game with a vengeance!
(And if we get enough people playing - who knows - we just might have the first "Rocket Dorf Fest!!" Tourney next year - so spread the word!)
Download RDF v5 and more:
Enjoy!! :D
** - See included Readme file(s) for full details. You must take advantage of this offer by downloading directly from www.orderofhpak.com. Not resposible for damages or losses incurred due to over-indulgence in RDF or other plugins. Baak'lor Studios retains the right to change this offer at any time without notice. Void where prohibited.
Images derived from the Myth Series are © Bungie Software and/or Take Two Interactive.
WWII: Recon is © Santa's Head. Alien Dark Tide is © Strangelet.
All other third-party maps and/or plugins are © their respective owners.
Original content and layout © 2002-2004 Baak'lor Studios . All Rights Reserved.