Latest RDF!! News Updated: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 at 19:12 MDT
OMG!! Rocket Dorf Fest v5.1 is HERE!!
Get it now from the OoH Downloads page along with my custom RDF Solo maps, TONS of unit and game conversion plugins - and several multiplayer maps (including Redux (modified) favorities)! These aren't just for RDF either! ;)
Be sure to register at the Order of H'Pak Forums, especially if you want to discuss anything and everything RDF.
Watch for new stuff coming soon(tm): RDF Gold (v6.0) is in the works - a new "RDF!! Return to White Falls" solo map - a Recommended RDF Maps page - an RDF FAQ and more!
Note: Wherever possible and appropriate I've marked changes from v5.0 with green highlighting like this.
Enjoy!! :D
Once upon a time there lived a Dwarf named Sak...
News of Alric's victory over Soulblighter had finally reached the mountains of the Northeast, far beyond The Great Devoid, to the quiet little Village of Foredro where Sak lived. As exciting and wonderful as this news was, Sak and the other Dwarves of Foredro had their own war to win. They had been fighting the Ghôls of the Great Northern Mountains for so long it seemed their battle would never end.
Well, not if Sak could help it. He was the inventor of the infamous Sak Cannon after all, and although his neighbors thought of him as a "bit of a nutter", they were in for an even bigger surprise the day he presented his latest creation to defeat the Ghôls.
Sak had created - with the guidance and assistance of his lifelong friend, Kaph the Mad Wizard - a small army of magical Dwarves (including himself), Trained Ghôls (that caused a near panic when displayed), Water Spiders (who could remain underwater indefinitely), and Kaph Healers (who had the magical ability to heal remotely).
Some of these Magical Dwarves were Giant, some were Miniature and floated just above the ground (and over water!), some looked like any other Dwarf - but all could throw or launch Magic Fireballs instead of the molotov cocktails and mortar rounds the Dwarves had been using for as long as anyone could remember.
It was this power, combined with the supporting Trained Ghôls, Water Spiders, and Kaph Healers, that led to the final defeat of the Ghôls, bringing peace and tranquility to Foredro at long last...
... The "magical Dwarves" are, of course, the Rocket Dorfs
Meanwhile: Kaph's not-so-nice half-brother, Omoc the Evil, had created his own Rocket Dorf army... An EVIL shadow of Sak's army that were neither living nor dead - created to vanquish his half-brother once-and-for-all and conquer the lands surrounding his secret Ice Fortress, buried deep in the very heart of the King of the Great Northern Mountains itself: Simälstrang. And as you might have guessed, these lands included the quiet little Village of Foredro...
... The Evil Rocket Dorfs are encountered in the RDF Solo RD's vs. Evil RD's games - and they are E-V-I-L!! ;)
Nearing defeat, Omoc consumed nearly all his remaining power and cast a powerful illusion spell upon Sak and his army in a final desperate attempt to escape his fate. This spell was so strong that Sak and his army was forced to relive the epic battles of Alric and Soulblighter before breaking free to finish Omoc off...
... This is the RDF Solo RD's vs. Myth games, where the RD's take on Soulblighter and his minions
So what are you waiting for?!? :)
Will you choose to command your own Rocket Dorf army against countless enemies of like forces in RDF Multiplayer?
Or will you try your hand at defeating Omoc's Evil Rocket Dorfs in the RDF Solo RD's vs. Evil RD's games?
Or will you hand Soulblighter and his minions some serious RDF Whoop-@$$ in the RDF Solo RD's vs. Myth games?
Why not accept the Ultimate Rocket Dorf Challenge and conquer them all! :D
RDF v5.0 racked up 725 downloads (!) since its public debut November 2004 - Dang! ;)
Since then I discovered some tiny bugs introduced by Patch 1.5.1, a couple of problems in RDF Solo (mainly artifacts and levels that were slightly broken), as well as some minor things I just wasn't 100% happy with. Everything that I changed
was done solely to improve the game even beyond what was achieved with RDF v5. Needless to say, it was a colossal task,
but one I know you'll enjoy playing again and again.
With the help of the Order of H'Pak Members and Special Guests, I've made the following changes to RDF v5.1:
RDF Multiplayer Changes:
Introducing the RD Colossus! - a larger RD Giant Hero that replaces "big stuff" such as Trow, Myrk Giants,
Warlock Heroes, Cannons. To experience the Colossus, use the new "-- colossus --" Unit Set, which replaces the previous "-- giants+rds --". The Colossus also appears when using Giant Madness (for Barons as well as
the big stuff mentioned above) and for Barons when using Variety Pak, allowing for intense Assassin games.
As with all RDF units, I added all the meticulously scaled tags (body parts, attacks, sounds, flying body part
sounds, etc.) to make them complete. They are modeled after Banor from my RDF Solo map, though not
as tough - I think you'll like 'em a lot! Keep in mind that although they might seem nearly invincible at first
they have their weaknesses - just like a Trow can seem unstoppable at times until 20 Soulless show up...
Giants no longer blow up as easily and are a bit tougher overall. Their Fireball damage/radius and
Fireball "shockwave" is also modified for even better play.
RDs are slightly tougher and their Fireball damage/radius has been reduced, making for better
RD combat (especially in RD Madness!) and allowing the Giant to truly be tougher - as originally intended.
We've been playing some of the very best RD Madness games in just the past few weeks - it's awesome!!
Giant Water Spiders are tougher and can have a nastier bite. The "range" of their attack damage has
increased, which means a bite can be weak or fairly tough. Giant Water Spiders can even take on a Colossus
if they can get in close enough and have a few kills under their belt (hint, hint).
RD/Giant Slow Fireballs now explode WHERE YOU TELL THEM TO by either clicking on an enemy or
ctrl-clicking the ground. Note they do not track an enemy (like a Warlock Fireball does), but have a much
longer maximum range (as far as a normal Fireball) and much closer minimum range now. This allows for
more strategic use of the Slow Fireball - big time. They do 80% damage in 80% of the radius of a normal
Fireball, and take twice as long for recovery (the best way to understand how they work is to play some
practice games and try them out). The Colossus unit does not have a Slow Fireball, but has a Colossal Club.
NOTE: Slow Fireballs became broken between Patch 1.5.0 and Patch 1.5.1 - if you *like* the bizarre
behavior that 1.5.1 created, let me know on the OoH Forums as I *may* create an RDF Modz plugin
in the future just like it.
Mondos have completely new attacks (all ranges are slightly shorter than before):
* T-attack is the Mondo Flareball (similar to a Flare Dorf Flare), which calls in a massive (and wacky) Mini
Fireball Airstrike. When dropped by dead Mondos they tend not to go off (so other Mondos can pick them
up), but if jostled enough they will! Watch for the tell-tale small puffs of smoke coming from a Flareball
that is about to call in the Airstrike... Mondos start with one Flareball and can carry three.
* The standard attack Mondo Fireball is now a "fastball" (low arc).
* A new double-click-on-the-enemy attack will "lob" the Fireball as before.
M+M Madness games (Minis and Mondos) are incredibly fun! :D
Demons BEGONE!! Through the use of some serious Magic (and a lot of hard work), I believe I have finally
quashed the floyn bug in RDF multiplayer where enemy colors would appear on your team after more than
one game (this is some kind of bug in the Myth engine related to having so many units substituting for the
same unit). If it ever does show up for you (which it can, depending on the map), a team Captain can simply
select all units then deselect them to make the floyning disappear.
Ultra-fine-tuning of all RDF Units for the best possible multiplayer combat experience! We have
played 1,500+ RDF games since the very first version, and it has gone through some 60 subversions - if you
know me you'll know what a stickler for detail I am.
As in v5.0 the painstaking conversions of more than 400 third-party units allowing you to play RDF
on a TON of maps, including WWII, Alien Dark Tide, MythWarrior Maps - and MORE! :)
A zillion other details that you'll just have to play to discover... ;)
RDF Solo Changes:
RDF Solo "artifacts" are FINALLY FIXED! In the solo campaigns, RD/Giants that replace Dwarves now
have a "(d)" after the RD in their description: "RD(d)", while those who replace Archers use an "(a)". The (d)
types have pure white beards while (a) types have blonde beards. This makes it MUCH easier to handle the appropriate Dwarf/Archer artifacts. Also the Slow Fireball T-attacks disappear (as they should) when artifacts are picked up, thus allowing you to use them as they were originally intended. If you ever experienced the thrill of backing up and launching a Giant Slow Fireball at the frozen Deceiver, you'll appreciate this fix.
Note: I could have just made all RDs/Giants in RDF Solo the same unit, and allowed them all to pick up every
artifact - but personally I found it more interesting and challenging to separate it like this. I hope you do too.
Evil Wights are now E-V-I-L! They're very hard to see, move faster, can move through impassable terrain,
and have a much more interesting (and evil looking) explosion - watch out for those Evil Pus Packets!
Did I mention the Evil Rocket Dorfs have an all-new Evil Fireball that - although not as tough as your
own RD or Giant Fireball - can pass through walls and buildings and tends to track you a bit before exploding
in your lap? Oh and Evil T-Ghols and Evil Water Spiders are nastier too! It's all been ramped up a few
notches to make things more interesting...
No more hiding behind walls and trees while an Evil Rocket Dorf gets stuck somewhere... ;)
As I recommended somewhere else, playing solo "RD's versus Evil RD's" is by far my favorite, and can be
very, very fun! :D
Several RDF Solo levels that were slightly broken before work properly now including The Deceiver,
A Long Awaited Drinking Party (muhahahahaaa...) and more!
I've made RDF Solo as challenging and fun as I possibly can without resorting to adjusting the maps.
Remember however that I did do this with my custom versions of The Baron and Landing at White Falls since
these maps do NOT play properly without some serious tweaking. See How to Play RDF Solo/Co-op for details.
As with v5.0, RDF v5.1 is built to take advantage of the extra cool features added to Myth II by Project Magma's Patch 1.5.1.
RDF may run under 1.3, but none of the third-party-map units will convert and the 1.5 features will not be activated (which will probably render it unplayable). RDF will also run under 1.4, but some third-party maps will hard crash to the desktop when the number of objects and/or projectiles is exceeded (this was fixed in 1.5) - of course the 1.5 features will not appear either.
It is thus recommended to play RDF v5.1 with Magma's Patch 1.5.1+ for the best possible RDF experience! :D
Two Plugins? What the ?!?
Rocket Dorf Fest is essentially a "tagset" split into two plugins...
The RDF unit plugins are called Unit Sets and the "all other tags" plugin is known as +tagz.
You pick one Unit Set and add the +tagz plugin to play RDF. Without splitting the tagset in two like this, RDF would be 145 MB (with more than 85% redundancy) instead of a mere 14 MB.
Once you've played with different RDF Unit Sets on different maps you'll soon get the hang of it. Some maps are SWEET with Minis or Mondos, while others are seemingly built for Giants and RD's.
How to Play RDF ~ Multiplayer
Multiplayer RDF is some of the funnest Myth you'll ever play!
There are eight different Multiplayer Unit Sets, including six "Madness!" Unit Sets that limit the units on any map to one or two particular Rocket Dorf type(s) while removing most of the melee (great for playing "focused" games!):
Unit Set (add to +tagz)
Extra Info
~ rdf51 --colossus--
RDF Slugfest: Colossi+Giants+2Pus T-Ghôls
ALL UNITS converted to RDF
~ rdf51 --variety pak--
Wide variety of units depending on map
ALL UNITS converted to RDF
~ rdf51 giant madness!
Giants and a handful of melee
Extra melee units removed
~ rdf51 hero madness!
Giant/RD Heroes and a few melee
Extra melee units removed
~ rdf51 m+m madness!
Minis+Mondos and a few melee (FUN!!)
Extra melee units removed
~ rdf51 mini madness!
Minis and a few mini-melee
Extra melee units removed
~ rdf51 mondo madness!
Mondos and a few melee
Extra melee units removed
~ rdf51 rd madness!
Classic RD's and a few melee
Extra melee units removed
If you want the "really big army" game with Colossi, Giants and RD's (like on Desert), then pick "colossus". "Variety Pak" also plays great on two-team maps. If you want the classic Rocket Dorf game (that's great on almost any map), pick my very fave: "rd madness!". For insane Mini action, pick "mini madness!", and for a mix of Minis and Mondos pick "m+m madness!" (one helluva fun game). Finding all the great map/unit set combinations is part of what makes RDF so dang fun.
Once you've picked the Unit Set you want for the map, add the +tagz plugin and kick some RDF booty! Here's an example of what the host makes active to play Giants+RD's:
Example 1 - RDF Multiplayer Colossus (RDF Slugfest)
(notice the +tagz plugin is also active)
Here you can see what all the different Unit Sets look like on a few different maps: List of RDF v5 Plugins
Unit Trading in RDF can look a little odd at first...
You will often see more than one selection for the same RDF unit. This is because, for example, Warriors and Berserks might both be converted into T-Ghôls, so you could see two or more trading selections showing "T-Ghôl". No biggie.
When playing with the Madness! Unit Sets, you will often see completely blank selections. Just ignore them. If you trade them up or down it will make absolutely no difference. Go ahead - try it - you'll see.
If you're the curious type, feel free to read: The Gory Details and Magic Behind Unit Trading in RDF.
How to Play RDF ~ Solo/Co-op
On top of the insane multiplayer fun, RDF also offers four Solo/Co-op Unit Sets for playing the standard Myth II Solo/Co-op Levels, or when using Project Magma's Myth TFL Solo/Co-op Levels for Myth II**. The four RDF Solo/Co-op Unit Sets allow for every permutation of playing with Giant or regular RD's versus the Evil Rocket Dorfs or the standard Myth units:
Unit Set (add to +tagz)
~ rdf51 solo g's vs erd's
Your Giants vs. the Evil Rocket Dorfs!
~ rdf51 solo g's vs myth
Your Giants vs. the Standard Myth game!
~ rdf51 solo rd's vs erd's
Your RD's vs. the Evil Rocket Dorfs!
~ rdf51 solo rd's vs myth
Your RD's vs. the Standard Myth game!
Special Custom Myth II Solo/Co-op Levels: I have created some special separate solo/co-op plugins for levels that just don't play well due to the nature of their scripting. I've done a COMPLETE reworking of these. As of this writing, they are:
RDF!! Banor's Keep
Banor (aka Red Beard) dethrones the Baron - can you defeat him?
RDF!! Return to White Falls
The Evil Rocket Dorfs have taken the fort at White Falls! Take it back!
They're available on the OoH Downloads Page!
Special Note on Third-Party Solo/Co-op: To play certain third-party Co-ops that I converted (like Manistee Paintball), you must use one of the RDF *Multiplayer* Unit Sets instead of the solo/co-op Unit Sets. The reason for this is the solo/co-op Unit Sets convert units such as Thrall, Ghôls, etc., that appear in both multiplayer and solo/co-op into bad guys (when you play solo/co-op in standard Myth the Thrall are always bad guys). On third-party solo/co-op maps however, the bad guys are typically custom units that are used in multiplayer games as well. As long as these custom units have been converted in RDF you must use the multiplayer Unit Sets to see the conversion. Got it? This gives you even more variety on these maps! For instance, try "Hero Madness!" on Manistee Paintball Co-op - OMG! ;D
To play Magma's "Mazzarin's Demise IV" you'll need one of my special RDF Modz plugins - get it at the OoH Downloads Page and read the included Readme file for full instructions (it's somewhat tricky as a plugin that modifies RDF on top of Mazz).
** - Note: I have yet to play the complete Project Magma TFL campaign with RDF, so there may well be levels with quirks. I hope to play them all someday and/or gather enough feedback to possibly make a future RDF enhancement if needed. Feel free to e-mail me if you find quirks - give specific details please. :)
How to Play RDF ~ 3rd-Party Maps
I went nutz in Version 5 of RDF and ended up converting 400 (!!) third-party map units! Dang! :D
This means you can now play RDF on a bunch of popular third-party maps, including The Wild West (one of my favorites), most WWII maps (holy cow!), Alien Dark Tide, and more!
For ADT (the newer version) or WWII maps that require both a tagset and a map: just load the tagset and map like you normally would, then add the two RDF plugins (one Unit Set plus the +tagz plugin).
For third-party maps that don't require a separate tagset (which is most of them): just load the map and the two RDF plugins (one Unit Set plus the +tagz plugin):
Example 2 - RDF Multiplayer Colossus on WWII:Recon
(notice the +tagz plugin is also active)
Note that some units on third-party maps are not converted on purpose, such as tanks in WWII and units with special attacks. Also the massive conversion maps like The 7th God and Jinn are not converted at all for my own sanity's sake. ;)
Someday I plan to make a list of the converted maps. In the meantime, those listed under "Recommended RDF Maps" (Note: I haven't completed that page yet) have all been converted. :)
For playing RDF Solo/Co-op on a few Third-party maps, see: How to Play RDF ~ Solo/Co-op
Note: Occasionally you might run into a map that converts oddly because the mapmaker used what are normally solo/co-op units (such as specific fir'Bolg) for multiplayer. This is very rare (one map on "A Borderland Odyssey" does this). Should this happen you will be controlling Evil Rocket Dorfs in multiplayer and they won't behave well. I suggest trying a different map. :)
These are the RDF Units you will control in multiplayer and solo/co-op RDF games.
The following picture shows the RDF Units you will control. Beneath each unit you can see what Special (T) and Regular Attacks they may have. Rocket Dorf Heroes are distinguished visually by the color of their beards. Some units (T-Ghôls and Mini T-Ghôls) do not start with any ammo but must scavenge it before being able to use it - the ammo that can be scavenged along with the maximum number carried is shown in the teal hexagons.
IMPORTANT! Hand-to-hand Combat in RDF: All Rocket Dorfs (even Minis) have a hand-to-hand attack at close range, using either a dagger or a club. But due to the volatile nature of their Fireball, RD's and Giants will never auto-attack in RDF Solo/Co-op.
However, in RDF 5.1 they will auto-attack in RDF Multiplayer only. Just keep a handle on them since they can get out of control once they start auto-attacking the enemy (remember to Stop and/or Guard them as appropriate).
You must use the RDF Support Units to guard them when necessary (T-Ghôls are trained to do this very well). The first time a band of T-Ghôls rips apart those Giants you've forgotten about in RDF Solo you'll understand what I'm talking about! Believe me, this trade off is much better than having all your forces blown to bits by a single over-zealous RD/Giant...
RDF Support Units: T-Ghôls and Water Spiders are primarily meant for support and reconnaissance work. 2Pus T-Ghôls and Giant Water Spiders can often take out the lone Giant in sneak attacks, while normal T-Ghôls and Water Spiders can sometimes swarm an enemy and overwhelm them with sheer numbers. There's also an amazingly effective technique perfected by Frumius involving 2Pus T-Ghôls pussing an enemy Giant while friendly Giants lay down waves of Fireballs. And remember: Giant Water Spiders make excellent spies and are extremely fast - use them wisely!
For an Executive Summary of RDF Multiplayer Units, jump to: RDF Units ~ The Good ~ Executive Summary
The name says it all: a larger, tougher Giant Hero. Note that they do not have a Slow Fireball but instead have a forced hand-to-hand attack. Since they are a Hero type, they never rebound or dud a Fireball. Their beard is blondish-red.
The Crème de la Crème of the Rocket Dorfs, the Giant Hero recharges and clubs faster than a regular Giant, and never rebounds or duds a Fireball. Otherwise identical to Giants.
A formidable opponent, the RD Hero recharges and knife attacks faster than a regular RD, and never rebounds or duds a Fireball. Otherwise the same as a regular RD. Can take on a non-hero Giant.
Giant Fireballs have longer range and a bigger blast radius than those of RDs. Magical armor and sheer size means they can take much more damage, often surviving more than one Giant Fireball blast.
Very tough, especially using crossfire at a distance, RDs have a slightly faster recharge than Giants, but with no armor, they are more vulnerable to Fireballs (including Mini Fireballs).
Mondos throw Mini Fireballs like a "fastball" with longer range than Minis, and can "lob" using double-click attacks. T-attack is a Flareball that calls in a massive Mini Fireball Airstrike. Dropped Flareballs can "go off" if jostled.
Able to float over any water, very steep terrain, and invisible on the overhead map. Faster than any other RD, their single Stunball can be deadly when followed by a rain of Mini Fireballs. Dangerous in packs.
A rare and deadly unit when invisible, they have a one-time Suicide Mini Bomb T-attack that blasts anything within a 3.8 World Unit radius with the equivalent of a bit more than a half-RD Fireball explosion - Sweeeeet! :D
Kaph Herons can "Remote Heal" units up to 20 World Units away, and start each game with 6 healing roots. Kaph Heron Heroes can Remote Heal units up to 50 World Units away, and start with 9 healing roots - appear in Colossus.
Kaph Journeymen can "Remote Heal" units up to 20 World Units away, and start each game with 6 healing roots.
Decays into 3 neat Pus Packets for T-Ghôls. Moves relatively fast. Can move over steep and Walking Impassable terrain like Minis and are invisible on the overhead map.
The "Elite" of the T-Ghôls: bigger, tougher, faster, much longer range.
Armed from the start with 2 Pus Packets, they will toss nothing else. Don't stay stunned very long. Can move through Human Depth water.
and Pus
or other
The T stands for "Trained", using T-attack to Toss. Longer range and faster than standard Ghôls. Can carry one Stunball plus one Pus Packet (or other item). Stunballs always tossed first. Must scavenge for items.
and Pus
or other
Magically bred for speed and stealth, they are invisible on the overhead map and can move almost anywhere. Faster and smaller, but otherwise identical to T-Ghôls.
Magically bred for speed and stealth, they are invisible on the overhead map and can move almost anywhere. Hard to see when sitting still. Faster and smaller, but otherwise identical to Water Spiders.
Faster than a standard T-Ghôl and very tough in large numbers.
Can move through any depth water (though slowed progressively by deeper water).
Extremely fast and can take more damage than an RD Giant. Has "Super Far-Sightedness" and can move through any depth water (though slowed progressively by deeper water). Stun has little effect.
Floats (like a Soulless)
Can move over Walking Impassable Terrain
Can move underwater (any depth)
Always "Invisible on the Overhead Map"
RDF Units ~ The Good ~ Executive Summary
Basics: Water Spiders can move underwater (great for spying, ambushes and last second tagging!). Kaph Herons and Kaph Journeymen can heal at a distance. 2Pus T-Ghôls start with 2 Pus Packets and are both tough and fast. T-Ghôls (other than 2Pus) and Minis can pick up dropped Stunballs (up to their maximum of course).
RD's/Giants will never auto-attack an enemy in v5.1 Solo - including hand-to-hand. This extreme training keeps them from accidentally blowing apart their comrades with a well-intentioned but devastating friendly-fire incident. You must use your Support Units (T-Ghôls, Water Spiders) as guards who will auto-attack.
Giant Heros and RD Heroes recharge more quickly after shooting Fireballs and have a faster hand-to-hand attack. They also never generate dud or rebounding Fireballs. Separate them and keep them alive at all costs.
All Mini Units (Minis, Mini T-Ghôls, Mini Water Spiders) are imbued with more of Kaph's Magic and are: (1) always invisible on the overhead map; (2) able to move over Walking Impassable Terrain (and underwater in the case of Mini T-Ghôls). But Beware: sometimes Minis get "stuck" moving around walls and buildings - keep an eye on 'em!
Minis shoot their Stunball in a straight line along the ground (similar to the way an RD shoots a Fireball). This means these hit their target much faster and have longer range than their lobbed Mini Fireball. It also means they cannot shoot Stunballs up or down hills easily like their regular shot. Wise Minis save their Stunball for the right target!
Mondos can pick up to three Flareballs and lob them as far as their regular Mini Fireball. Mondos now have a "fastball" normal Mini Fireball attack but can still "lob" Mini Fireballs using a double-click attack.
When killed, Mondos drop any remaining Flareballs. These vanish after 9 to 69 seconds, and can "go off" if jostled in any way (including when being picked up). T-Ghôls cannot use Flareballs - they eat them! :D
When killed, Minis drop any remaining Stunballs. These vanish after 9 to 69 seconds, and will sometimes explode. T-Ghôls (all varieties) will never drop anything when killed.
Regular T-Ghôls and Mini T-Ghôls can pick up one Stunball in addition to one Pus Packet (or any other projectile). They toss Stunballs first. Note: If they happen to pick up two Stunballs at the same time, the second one will be tossed as ammo (i.e. something to pick up) and not as a Stunning attack - this is the way Myth works without using "Inventory".
2Pus T-Ghôls are the second fastest RDF Unit and always start armed with 2 Pus Packets (hence the name). They will only toss Pus. These units are very tough in packs.
Giant Water Spiders have "Super Far-Sightedness", thus making excellent spies by revealing the visual location of the enemy before any other unit. They are the fastest RDF unit (by far) and can often take out Giants in hand-to-hand.
Mini Water Spiders are actually faster than regular Water Spiders and can be very hard to see when they are not moving. Use them for stealth operations.
The rare Kaph Heron Hero can heal from an extreme distance: 2 1/2 times that of a regular Kaph Heron, which is well out of visual range. Use them to heal units from "behind the lines". Hunt them down if the enemy has them!
These are the RDF Enemy Units you will encounter in Solo RDF.
Omoc's army of Evil Rocket Dorfs are, well - EVIL.
Play against them in the RDF "Solo RD's version Evil RD's" games and you'll see what I mean. I've carefully converted the standard enemy units in the solo games to make it quite fun. Even seemingly basic games like Willow Creek become quite intense. Try "solo rd's vs erd's" on Willow Creek Legendary, and then "solo g's vs erd's" to see what I mean...
Meet Banor (aka Red Beard) - or better yet DON'T meet him! ;) Omoc replaced The Baron with him to command his Evil Rocket Dorf army. Extremely tough, he has been known to decimate entire armies and laugh while their heads fall from the sky.
Omoc The Evil created his own twisted version of the Rocket Dorf Hero, nicknamed the Ice Dorf in reference to their cold, ice-colored beards and icy-looking fireballs... Rarely seen outside of the Manistee Paintball Solo (see Third-party RDF Solo)
Using only the foulest Magic, Omoc The Evil created the much-feared Evil Rocket Dorf Giant. To see their massive crimson fireball slowly approaching will instill panic in even the most seasoned Rocket Dorf...
Similar to their Good counterparts though much more aggressive.
Evil Mondos have extremely long range and will quickly destroy idle groups of 2Pus, RD's and even Giants. They often lob a Stunball into your forces before pummeling you with Mini Fireballs...
They don't call these little guys EVIL for nothing! ;) Repeat after me: Evil! Evil! E-V-I-L!!
Fast and aggressive, they have no qualms about destroying themselves in your midst. They are invisible on the overhead map - so beware!
The "Rabid Rottweiler" of the Evil T-Ghôls, these guys will drown you in pus and rip you to pieces before you know what hit you.
Not too much friendlier than their Evil 2Pus comrades...
Rarely seen but deadly nonetheless.
Generally roam in packs. Very tough to see ESPECIALLY in the midst of battle (due to the black scars on the battlefield). Extra aggressive - do NOT underestimate them!
Somewhat rare (thank goodness!) and extremely dangerous. Best to kill from far, far away with a huge volley of Giant Fireballs.
Floats (like a Soulless)
Can move over Walking Impassable Terrain
Can move underwater (any depth)
Always "Invisible on the Overhead Map"
These are the Ambient Units you will encounter throughout RDF.
Heh - they don't call Kaph "The Mad Wizard" for nothing! ;)
Created by Kaph for his own amusement, these
Chickens float on water and steep hills.
Some say they contain the trapped souls of Kaph's
enemies from an ancient Warlock War. Rumored to lay floating Eggs.
Kaph instilled RD Fireballs with a "chicken cluck"
when they rebound...
Just remember:
When you hear the CLUCK -- DUCK!
Every now and then one will drift
right in front of you
when you need to fire a Fireball ...
... it happens! ;)
Kaph sprinkled these around the countryside
for his Rocket Dorfs to practice with
(and to warn those pesky Peasants
against wandering too close)
Can be used as a "block" or to ctrl-click-target!
... a Target Dummy can save your life! ;)
Like any other object,
hitting one can result in a rebound,
so hit 'em from a safe distance!
Aren't these little guys just TOO FRICKIN' CUTE?!?