Triskelion v1.0g
by Baak
Dedicated to: The Members and Special Guests of the Order of H'Pak, my wife Linda, everyone involved in the original Star Trek series,
and Myth players everywhere.
NOTICE: This plugin requires Project Magma's Myth II 1.6 (Build 290 or greater). Using earlier versions may cause OOS errors or crashes.
Last Updated: 2007-03-10 |
My major mod of Bungie's "lost map" Cryptic Wightings inspired by The Gamesters of Triskelion, a Star Trek TOS episode.
Currently the OoH's seventh most played map, clocking in with 169 games played to date.
Interesting and Unique Features:
- A huge map extended completely to raised edges with waterfalls at river sources, making it appear you are in a giant arena
- Completely reworked terrain and water throughout
- All new maps/units including unique 3-starts-each "intertwined" team maps, large team maps, 6- and 3-start FFA's
- Dark moonlit night maps with eerie ambient effects
- Unique and challenging flag/ball layouts on all maps
- Special Scavenger Hunt Balls 6 to 9 - and Ball "X" - plus an all new game type: True Scavenger Hunt (see below for details)
- Ball launchers for Bacon/Captures/Scavenger Hunt
- King of the Hill Equalizers (see below)
- Reworked Bungie Swineherd hunting targets (very skittish - meant for RDF - fun to play solo!)
- Truce Off Sirens for RDF/UGR/Trebuchets
- Easter Eggs and more!
Extra Information
Teams on opposite sides of map - great for CTF
Normal+ = HUGE army; Simple = 2/3 Units; Timid = 1/3 Units
Teams "intertwined" - 3 mini armies each alternating on 6 starts
8+ players recommended (12+ even better)
Excellent Flag Rally and Steal the Bacon games
Excellent Flag Rally and Steal the Bacon games
FFA 6 - RDF / Flare Dorf Arena
Difficulty Dorfs+Ghols: L=6D+3G H=4D+2G N=3D+1G S=2D T=1D
Teams on opposite sides of map - great for CTF
Normal+ = HUGE army; Simple = 2/3 Units; Timid = 1/3 Units
Teams "intertwined" - 3 mini armies each alternating on 6 starts
8+ players recommended (12+ even better)
Excellent Flag Rally and Steal the Bacon games
Excellent Flag Rally and Steal the Bacon games
FFA 6 - RDF / Flare Dorf Arena
Difficulty Dorfs+Ghols: L=6D+3G H=4D+2G N=3D+1G S=2D T=1D
Our Favorite Combinations
Regular Units
or Trebuchets(dorfs)
Capture the Flag
20 min
2:00 PT
Regular Units
or Trebuchets(dorfs)
Flag Rally
or Steal the Bacon
10 min
0:45 PT
There are so many games to play on Triskelion - many of which we are just beginning to explore. The "intertwined" two-team maps (Galt/Kloog) are extremely interesting, as well as all the dark maps. The combinations listed here are particular favorites - especially the flag rally game, which almost always ends up intense.
With all game types supported on most maps (except on "I Wanna Li...!!" and "Devil in the Dark") there are almost endless combinations when you add in all the unit and game conversions we play (see OoH Downloads for details).
True Scavenger Hunt
This map implements my special True Scavenger Hunt game type. With the help of Myrd at Project Magma (and some serious tweaking) the Scavenger Hunt balls are not only invisible on the overhead map, but are only visible when you are within visual range of them - just like with enemy units! This means you must search for them like a true scavenger hunt. And of course it also means you can hide them. Muhahahahahaaa...
If that isn't challenging enough, on Triskelion: Heroic Difficulty adds my Scavenger Hunt balls 6 through 9 (Timid, Simple, and Normal give you the standard 5 balls). And for the truly adventurous: Legendary adds Ball "X" - a 10th Scavenger Hunt ball that doesn't show up on the Scoreboard! This means you won't know who has or hasn't tagged it unless you see it happen. Did I mention all Scavenger Hunt balls are randomly blasted at the start of the game so no one knows where they are? They sometimes land right in your lap and can be tagged before the game even starts.
We've only just begun to explore this new game type and think you'll really like it. Longer games are more fun.
Note: The reason I say "my" Scavenger Hunt balls 6 through 9 and Ball "X" is because they are specially designed to work with my Balls o' Fun plugin (for standard Myth, WWII, ADT, Chimera, Wild West, etc.) giving you Wacky, Heavy, Giant, or Mini Scavenger Hunt balls. Take a second and ponder the permutations here...
King of the Hill Equalizer
Because there are so many variations in terrain on Triskelion, I decided to create a KotH "Equalizer" effect whereby the KotH Flag is contested during the start of the game rather than attempt to make all distances from each start to the flag equal (a daunting task). Here's how they work:
Each team starts with an uncontrollable Ghost Zerk at the flag that remains there and cannot be killed or injured until approximately 1min 40secs (+/- 5secs) have counted down on the clock. At that point they vanish and the flag is no longer "automatically contested". You can attack enemy Equalizers, but not only does this do nothing, it leaves your attacking units vulnerable to attack from live enemies. Note that King of the Ball games won't work with this feature unless everyone agrees to leave the ball alone until the Equalizers vanish.
Note: The Ghost Zerk "Death Cry" when they vanish appeared as a bug in all game types, but we (especially Monstertool (OoH)) liked it so much we decided to keep it in! ;)
Special Thanks to Vinylrake (OoH) for his initial suggestion of a grey overhead on the dark maps (since it was impossible to see blue dots on the original overhead) that ultimately led me to create the "Full Moon" version.
Special Thanks to Myrd of Project Magma for adding the necessary tweak to Patch 1.6 to allow True Scavenger Hunt to become a reality. You're Da Man.
Special Thanks to all the Members and Special Guests of the Order of H'Pak for downloading so many versions of this map over the years and contributing in so many ways. You guys are awesome.
Final Ruminations
Triskelion holds a special place in my heart due to the amazing number of hours I put in during my "learning curve" with Loathing. I learned a LOT. Little did I know when I began how much was involved... ;)
In doing research for this map (tracking down the spelling of individual characters in the Star Trek episode) I was saddened - and somewhat surprised - to learn about half of the guest actors/actresses have since passed away. I hope in some way the memory of them lives on each and every time the map is played. It really was a great episode.
That said I hope you enjoy playing this map as much as we do. Feel free to comment on this map and anything else OoH or Myth-related in the OoH Forums.