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Somewhere in the Heavens is a new total conversion for Myth
II: Soulblighter. It's based on the Marathon Trilogy; Bungie's
other hit series. We've put lots of time and effort into this,
so we hope you like it.
Anyway, SitH has many features that you will grow to love (hopefully).
It is made up of a Tagset, which you have downloaded, and multiple
How SitH works is based on the Tagset. When you open a multi-player
game, and activate the Tagset, it takes over. When it's active,
all of Bungie's Myth units will be replaced with SitH ones. For
example, BoBs will replace Warriors, and S'pht'Kr will replace
Heron Guards.
These changes will effect all games. If you play a co-op game,
all the units will be SitH units. Same for Bungie's netmaps. It
will even effect 3rd Party maps, made millions of years after
your reading this! Basically, unless the level uses totally new
units, and not any of Bungie's units, the level will be changed.
The units of SitH are vast and varied. From Elite Pfhor Shockstaffers,
to Flick'ta, to TOZT Backpack Napalm Unit Marines, all are different.
If you were a Marathon player, you will find that the units made
for SitH are very detailed. We tried to make them exactly like
the ones from the Marathon Trilogy. We haven't even sacrificed
exactness for power. If something ruled the level in Marathon,
It rules the level in SitH. Its cost would be high though, so
we think we balanced it out.
The gameplay in SitH is unlike Myth, entirely. Like WWII, all
units are new, and the game is more gun oriented. Though not perfectly
balanced, you will find that the units have their weaknesses,
and their strengths. For example, Defense Drones have a machine
gun and a grenade launcher, so can inflict heavy damage in groups.
But they also have a high cost, and will explode when killed with
an explosion. If they were grouped together, which would be normal,
since they are mainly good in groups, it would kill them all.
The netmaps made for SitH are released in Mapsets. Mapset 1
will be released Soon. More Mapsets will be released as
they are finished. Mapset 1 includes 2 maps, 'Somewhere in the
Murk, They are Lurking', and 'SitH Pool Party'. Murk is a very
dark swamp level. It uses only 4 units, the Devlin, SPNKR Marine,
SPNKR Marine, and Mothrid. It's a surprisingly good map, stemming
from the fact that it's designed to be scary. (In case you didn't
know, Devlins are from Marathon: EVIL, and are creepy, dexterous,
and lanky. Oh, and did I mention that they have 6-foot long claws?
:).) SitH Pool Party is just that, a wacky Pool Party, using SitH
units. It has SPNKR Marines, Cyborgs, Pfhor Fighters, Simulacrums,
4 different types of wildlife, and lots of explosions :)
Guns play a huge role in SitH. There are all kinds of different
weapons, such as the Magnums, Shotguns, Pfhor Shockstaffs, TOZT
Napalm Flame-thrower, SPNKR SSM Launcher, and KKV-7 SMG. Some
weapons have 2 attacks, such as the MA-75, which has a built in
Grenade launcher, or the Zeus Class Fusion pistol, which you can
charge to fire a high powered bolt. Melee units are few and far
between, but they will make or break your game.
The future of SitH is wide open. We plan on releasing new Mapsets
and occasional new Tagsets for months to come. If you want to
make a map that uses the SitH Tagset, go right ahead. Just make
sure you give us proper credit, and title the map 'SitH: <Your
Mapname Here>'. That's all we ask. We will most likely place
links to the greatest 3rd Party levels, as they are created, in
the Files section.
To install SitH, simply place the tagset into your plugins
folder. Then when you create a game, click on the plugins button,
and make SitH Tagset active. Thats it. Now all units form Myth
will be replaced with SitH units. Have fun! Also note that levels
may seem to take longer to load for some users, but this won't
be very noticeable.
Here is a brief description of each and every unit
in SitH. The heart of the Tagset is the units, so the main thing
you'll need to learn about to have fun with SitH, is what each
unit does, and how they should be controled.
Assimilated BoB
The Assimilated BoB is a machine designed to
look and act like a civilian BoB. It contains a large explosive,
and can be detonated on command. Treat him like a fast-moving
wight. |
BoB's are Civilian BoB's that have taken up arms,
namely the Magnums, in the fight against the Pfhor. Treat them
like Archers. |
Civilian BoB
These are Born on Boards. They were born during
the Marathon's voyage to Tau Ceti. They have no attack, and generally
are good at running around screraming. Think of them as Villagers. |
Cyborgs are tank like creatures. Most of their
bodies are actually machine, grafted to spare body parts. They
come in a variety of flavors, from ones that shoot bouncing grenades,
to ones that use a flamethrower. Be careful to spread them out,
as they have a fairly strong explosion when they die, as their
circuitry overloads and fuses. These could be controled somewhat
like dwarfs, but their bouncing grenade isn't as powerful, but
will go long distances if set to bounce all the way. |
Marathon Automated Defence Drone
These are hovering machines used to defend the Marathon
from internal invaders. It carries a machine gun, with a grenade
launcher. They can be powerful in groups, especially with their
grenades, but when they are killed by an explosion, their grenades
will explode too, so be careful not to keep them too close to
each other, or they will go up like a chain of wights. They are
like nothing in Myth. |
These creatures are the only ones not from the original
Marathon series. They are from Marathon: EVIL, a 3rd party ecenario
for Marathon Infinity. EVIL was one of, if not the, most popular
scenario of all time, and we loved (to be frightened out of our
minds by) the Devlin. If you thought the Myrkridian Giant was
a dark unit, wait til you see this guy. He is a creature of the
darkness, blending well into it. He has blinding speed, but no
long range attack. He doesn't really need one. He's faster than
you, so can always catch you, and has a pair of 6-foot long claws.
It can tear up an enemy unit in under a second. But be careful.
They are weak to bullets, and if they get hit enough, they won't
care who's side they're on. Think of them as sped up Myrkidia. |
These drones are Pfhor make, and are very weak. They
hover, and shoot bolts of energy at their targets. Treat them
like Souless. |
Pfhor Fighter
The Pfhor are the main enemy in the Marathon Trilogy.
These are them in their normal armor, weilding shockstaffs. The
Projectile Fighters' Shockstaff can shoot it's bolts, so treat
the Projectile ones like archers, and the others like Thrall
or Warriors. |
Grendels are cute little grey creatures, also native
to L'howon. Treat them as chickens; they are about as smart.
The Grendal Uprisde of 2718 was the shortest lived organized
slave revolt of all time. It took the Grendel 'Army' only 18
minutes to forget what they were doing and go back to aimless
wandering. :) |
Hulks, or Drinnol, are slaves of the Pfhor.
They are large creatures, and almost all muscle. Think of them
as Forest Giants or Trow. They are quite slower though, But you
don't want to get hit by a Hulk slap at all |
Hunters are heavily armored Pfhor. They are immune
to flame, and shoot an energy weapon from their sholders. They
can take quite a beating, and can dish it out as well. Treat
them like Stygian Knights, except with a long range weapon. |
Juggernaughts are heavy assault mobiles. Automated,
and floating in the air, they can attack from far away with 2
weapons. Their main guns are fire-based circular rings. They
also have a 2ndary weapon of missiles. They are fast moving missiles,
but arn't amazingly damaging. Use them like Myrkridian Giants. |
Lookers are artificially engineered insectoid creatures,
made by the Pfhor. They scuttle across the ground fairly quickly,
and then explode, covering everythign with sticky goo. They don't
do alot of damage, but the goo paralizes targets for a good ammount
of time. Treat them like wights, or perhaps pus carrying ghols. |
Marathon 1 Enforcer
Over the time between Marathon 1 and Marathon
2, the Pfhor Enforcers evolved quite a bit. The Marathon 1 Enforcers
fire an Unknown Weapon which has a large ammount of error, but
only horizontally. This makes them good for mowing down large
groups of enemies with their machinegun like firing. Nothing
from Myth can be compared to them. |
Marathon 2 Enforecers
The Marathon 2 Enforcers weild a weapon like that
of the Juggernaut. It fires a ringlike Fireball, and fairly quickly
at that. Treat them like fetches, perhaps. |
The Magnum Marines carry a pair of Magnum Mega
Class A1 pistols. Treat then like archers. |
The Fusion Marines carry Zeus Class Fusion Pistols.
They fire a small but painful bolt normally, but can be charged
to fire a large explosive bolt. They also can be treated like
Archers |
The MA-75B Marines carry the MA-75B Battle Rifle
with Integral Grenade Launcher. They are a fast, but not floating,
version of the Marathon Automated Defence Drone. |
The Shotgun Marines carry a pair of WSTE-M Combat
Shotguns. The shotguns have a specialized reloading mechanism,
too complicated for human minds. It allows the marines to reload
one handed, and in one swift motion. These marines do little
damage at long range, but up close, they can do as much damage
as a Hulk slap. Don't get near one. They can't be used like anythign
from Myth with any efficiancy. |
The SMG Marines fire a Sub Machine Gun. It amazingly
fires 2 shot bursts, in a continuous stream. It can mow down
a line of Pfhor in seconds, and it's very accurate. Use them
like Archer Heroes. |
The TOZT Marines weild a TOZT Backpack Napalm Unit.
Use them like fetch to burn down enemies in their tracks. |
The SPNKR Marines fire SPNKR X-18 Surface to
Surface Missles. These babies pack a punch, so don't get too
close to their missles. Use them like Dwarfs and you'll be fine. |
The Alien Weapon Marines have picked up one
of the Marathon 2 Enforcers weapons, and can shoot them. They
are faster though, so it's better to have one of these. Treat
them just like the Marathon 2 Enforcers. |
There are also some Marines that are unnarmed.
They can still punch quite hard though. These would be used in
future levels where they would be prisoners. Use them just like
Thrall for example. |
Mothrids are another type of wildlife from L'howon.
They are floating octopi like creatures, that are translucent
Tobaz blue. They also have 18 slimey tentacles. Treat them like
squirrles. |
The S'pht are another slave race of the Pfhor. They
are cybernetic organisms, only the size of a human brain. With
their cybernetics grafted on them, they wear a large cloak. They
can open their cloak and fire a large energy bolt. Use them like
floating Warlocks. |
These are S'phts from the 'Kr clan. They are the only
non-slavery clan left of the 11 S'pht clans. Because of this,
they come in heavy battle armor, and can fire sets of 3 hard,
sharp energy bolts. Swarms of these can kill very fast. Treat
these like Archer Heroes, that float. |
Ticks are also Native wildlife from L'howon. They
are flying animals, with wings, and can soar over the carnage.
They come in several varieties, such as Lava Ticks, which are
immune to fire. They also have a goo-filled explosive variety.
Treat them like hawks, but be wary of them in netgames, as they
could be coming to explode over you. |
Troopers are Pfhor in light battle gear. They carry
a weapon almost exactly like the MA-75B. Treat them accordingly. |
VacBoB's are simply Fusion carrying BoB's, in Vacuum
suits. Treat them like Fusion Marines. |
Potato Anus
The Potato Anus is a form of wildlife from L'howon,
the S'pht homeworld. They are blue and red blobs that float around.
Think of them as deer. |
SitH was created by Åstro the Space Duck (Chadd Nervig).
The SitH group was founded by Åstro and Pfhor. You may contact
Åstro at
Thrall, our Man in the Online Asbestos Suit, can be contacted
Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie software Products
Corporation. Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing by: Chadd
We hope you like SitH. Special Thnax goto El Bastard, for
help and insight, as well as a few of his tags I was too lazy
to do at the last minute. Thnax for letting us use your most evil
creation, the Devlin, Frigidman. Also thnax to Pestis, for his
help with the Flavor Texts. Thnax to ig98 for his help with the
begining the units. Special Thnax to Troll for doing the Marine
collections, and Thnax to NecromanX for recreating the rest of
the unit collections, except for the Devlin, thnax to TychoMax
for that. Special Thnax to Thrall, my very best friend in the
whole world, and probably my psycologist as well (everyone who
knows me can tell you that if I payed for all the psycology I
need, I'd be bankrupted after a few minutes:) ) I'd also like
to thank all my testers, especially #CP#. You guys were great
and I couldn't have done it without all of you. I know there are
many people I'm forgetting. I'm really sorry that I have forgotten,
but it's been under work since December. E-mail me, and I'd love
to hear from you, and I'll make a thnax to you to in the next
version, ASAP.