"Theentire country will soon be in the hands of your master, Lord Ieyasu. Ifthis is so, the men who served him will no doubt hope to become daimyoby his appointment. You should know that if such feelings arise, they areinevitably the beginning of the end of one's fortunes in the Way of theWarrior. Being affected by the avarice for office and rank, or wantingto become a daimyo and being eager for such things ... will not one thenbegin to value his life? And how can a man commit acts of martial valorif he values his life? A man who has been born into the house of a warrior,and yet places no loyalty in his heart and thinks only of the fortune ofhis position, will be flattering on the surface and construct schemes inhis heart, will forsake righteousness and not reflect on his shame, andwill stain the warrior's name of his household to later generations. Thisis truly regrettable." - Torii Mototada (1539-1600) |
A Brief Overview |
Bushido: The Way of theWarrior is a third-party plug-in for Myth II: Soulblighter. Based on feudal warfare in medieval Japan and the rich tapestry of mythand legend of that period, it provides a new set of mortals, monsters,and magic forMyth II games. Obviously, the inclusion of prominentfantasy elements means that Bushido is not meant to reflect completehistorical accuracy. Rather, it is intended to provide fun and immersiveMyth II gameplay in the style and flavor of Japanese legend.
New units, attacks, and netgamesounds will likely take some practice and play to get used to. Wehope you'll find that every effort has been made to ensure that the BushidoUnits tagset is both fun and balanced, and that you enjoy playing it asmuch as we enjoyed making and testing it. Have fun!
Instructions for Use |
Place the Bushido-Unitsplug-in inside the Plugins Folder of your Myth II directory. You must have the plug-in installed here to join games in which the BushidoUnits tagset is used. To host a game using the Bushido units, select"plugins" under game options, select the Bushido-Units plug-in andclick the right-arrow to move it into the Active slot. Whilethe plug-in is on, most Myth II units will be converted to Bushidounits, as well as certain netgame flags and sounds. To stop usingthe plug-in, select it again in game options and click the left-arrow tomove it to the Inactive slot.
Portrait | Unit Name | Class | Cost | Description |
![]() | Spearman (Ashigaru Yari) | Melee | 1 | These men are generallyfarmers enlisted by their landowner to fight in his military campaigns. They are slow and poorly-trained, but robust and loyal warriors. |
![]() | Warrior Monk (Sohei) | Melee | 2 | Armed with a simple staff,the Sohei are quick but relatively weak. Warrior monks may fightfor a cause they deem just, or simply support the local warlord in returnfor a sizable donation to their shrine. |
![]() | Ronin | Melee | 3 | Masterless Samurai, hiredmercenaries, or common thugs, Ronin are strong fighters. Faster,tougher, and more deadly than spearmen, but slower and weaker than thetrue Samurai. |
![]() | Bowman (Ashigaru Yumi) | Missle | 3 | Like the Myth2 bowman, thefootman archer carries one flame arrow - however, he throws shuriken atclose range instead of stabbing. |
![]() | Samurai Swordsman | Melee | 4 | Wearing heavy armor (yoroi)and wielding a long katana, the Samurai swordsman is a fearsome and elitefighter, one of the deadliest combatants on the battlefield. |
![]() | Samurai Bowman | Missle | 6 | A mounted Samurai who favorsthe bow. His horse gives him a great boost in speed and a degreeof protection. He carries one flame arrow. |
![]() | Rocket Mortar | Missle | 6 | Experimental weaponry inaction, this unit launches fireworks-like rockets from a mortar tube. His incredible range is offset by the unreliability of his ammunition -the rockets tend to bounce or explode in the air. He also carriesfour gunpowder satchel charges. |
![]() | Elementalist | Missle | 8 | A strange magician in kabuki-styledfacepaint, the elementalist controls the forces of nature as his weapon. Hurling fire at close range and ice missles at a distance, he can alsouse the White Dragon Lotus to summon a deadly whirlwind. |
![]() | Tengu | Missle & Special | 12 | Mischievous wood-goblins,Tengu are powerful creatures of the spirit world. They are very quick,and hard to see while moving. They are also invisible on the overheadmap. The magical 'bombs' they throw are unpredictable - usually doingmild damage, but occasionally paralyzing or disintegrating their target. Tengu can also use the White Dragon Lotus to heal themselves or other units. |
![]() | Oni | Melee | 12 | Evil spirits in the formof brutish ogres. The swing of their huge clubs deals instant deathto weaker units, provided their victim has nowhere to run. |
![]() | Standard-Bearer | Harmless | - | The helpless bearer of theclan's war banner. Usually, you will only see this unit used as anAssassin target. |
![]() | Nobleman | Ambient or Harmless | - | Unarmed local citizens withno desire for a fight, you may see them wandering around and rushing toescape the battle - or you may find yourself protecting them from the enemy. |
![]() | Noblewoman | Ambient | - | They don't want any trouble. Don't chase them around; it's not nice. |
Bushido Map-making |
Howto make your own maps for Bushido:
A full page of helpful informationis included with this manual. Click the link below to read more:
BushidoMap-Making Information page.
Credits |
Unit modeling & animation,collections, scenery, physics tags (Fear work), unit flavors, sounds, documentation.
The Pope
Whirlwind animation, scenery, sounds, tengu voice-overs.
Concepting, unit flavors,sounds, trailer movie, Bushido League organizer.
Unit names, story (sololevels to be announced)
Japanese translation ofTengu phrases.
Deceitand TJ
Miscellaneous art (will turn up later).
Creation, TMBM, the LosGeezers order, Cunbelin, Pez, fisj, and others.
Copyright Information |
Bushido:The Way of the Warrior Units Tagsetis a third-party plug-in for Myth II: Soulblighter. Copyright1998 in whole or in part by Bungie Software Products Corporation. Created (in part) with Fear and Loathing by Cydonian (cydonian@mail.com)and others (see credits). Original elements not created by or ownedby Bungie or other parties are copyright 2000 by their respectiveauthors. This plug-in is meant to be distributed and used free-of-chargeby owners of the Myth II: Soulblighter game.
"A person who is saidto be proficient at the arts is like a fool. Because of his foolishnessin concerning himself with just one thing, he thinks of nothing else andthus becomes proficient. He is a worthless person." - Tsunetomo Yamamoto