"Who says we're crazy?"
"...crazed, demented, mad, insane, frenzied, psychotic, raving, deranged, moonstruck, mentally unsound, unhinged, touched, bereft of reason, derailed, gone, loco, unglued, berserk, mentally diseased, cracked, loony, wacko, bonkers, cuckoo, unbalanced, batty, out there, mad as a March hare, lunatics, one can short of a six pack, not all there, around the bend; see also sick,violent. --Ant. SANE, rational, sensible.
Around the Bend is about the size of "Gimble...", or "I'll Dance...". Like most of my map projects, this one contains Myth building, and bridge models. Not on the scale of Amsterdam, but I believe that they add to the "feel" of the map's environment.
This represents my first real project attempting to bring a map to both Myth: The Fallen Lords, and Myth II: Soulblighter. The most difficult task has been getting the Myth: The Fallen Lords .gor to work like the Myth II: Soulblighter plugin. You'll probably notice a few small differences in the two, but I've tried to limit those in so much as humanly possible. I'm happy that I came pretty close.
One thing to be aware of while playing this is that the trees don't have an impassability zone, but they do have object collision. This has advantages as well as disadvantages. The disadvantage is that occasionally your unit will stop at one and forget where he was going, but I've spent a great deal of time testing to limit that eventuality. It doesn't get stuck, but it does get stopped. Make sure he shakes his willie and then move the unit on. The best way to get around this is to use "waypoints". That is, select units then shift-click out a route. You'll find that this gets rid of 99% of the problem. Also, units can crowd each other at trees and it may seem like they're stuck. They aren't, but you may have to untangle them a little. These things don't happen often, but you should be prepared to deal with it if they do. The main advantage is that you can actually use a tree for cover. Getting right up next to it. Another advantage is that more of the limited area is available space. Since these trees ignore the passability used by the stock settings.

The Myth II: Soulblighter Plugin

Make sure that the plugin for Myth II: Soulblighter reads:
Around the Bend M2Place it in your plugins directory located in the Myth II: Soulblighter main directory. Then choose one of the variants listed below while in options during multiplayer gaming:
Approaching Evil has 7 starting locations, uses the dark units and introduces two new units! The Skeleton Archer, and the Ghol Anarchist. Also uses a modified Thrall unit named Thrall Porter. The Thrall Porter can pick up and move items. A good friend wrote me and asked me to modify a Thrall. Here is what he requested:
"... please make it pickup and drop everything that can be moved (including rocks if possible). To me, this is crucial since the things the thrall could do would be quite diverse (such as stacking rocks on top of satchel charges for shrapnel effect, hiding satchel charges under bits of body parts or rocks, spelling your name with intestines - you know, the fun stuff). If no pictures are available, then just make the thrall suck it up off the ground (maybe right up his @** or something) ..."
Needless to say, but I complied and the result is pretty funny. Hence there are projectiles laying about on Approaching Evil that no units, except the Thrall Porter can pick up. The Skeleton Archer can retrieve the flame arrow ammo and use it to fuel it's supply of fire arrows. This is a Myth style variant.
Units: Are original Myth: The Fallen Lords with modified, and newly created units. A Warlock is used as the "Assassination" target.
- Spiders
- Fetch
- Myrmidons
- Ghol Anarchists
- Thrall Porters
- Skeleton Archers
- Wights
The games are Body Count, Last Man on the Hill, Steal the Bacon, Capture the Flag, Territories, Captures, Scavenger Hunt, and Assassination.
Around the Bend has 4 starting locations and uses standard Myth units. Including the Fir'bolg. The Ghol can pick up and use the bombs, and puss packets. The flame arrow ammo, and satchel charges can also be retrieved by the Ghol for use by other units. The Fir'bolg can retrieve the flame arrow ammo and use it to increase their supply of fire arrows. This is a Myth style variant.
Units: Are original Myth: The Fallen Lords, plus modified Fir'bolg units. A netgame frog I altered is used as the "Stampede" target, and a Warlock is used as the "Assassination" target.
- Berserks
- Dwarven Heroes
- Journeymen
- Fir'bolg
- Ghol (The ordinary ones.)
- Thrall
- Warriors
- Wight
The games are Body Count, Last Man on the Hill, Steal the Bacon, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Territories, Flag Rally, Captures, Scavenger Hunt, Stampede!, and Assassination.
Ghol Riot Anarchy has 8 starting locations and introduces the Ghol Elite Anarchist. Projectiles are strategically strewn about to cause a nuisance, but the Ghols can only use what they start with. This isn't a regular Ghol by any means, they have their own attack, and special attack. This is a Myth style 'Dorf Riot'. Well, kind of. The only units used are the Ghol Elite Anarchist.
Units: Are custom Myth units.
The games are Body Count, Last Man on the Hill, Steal the Bacon, Flag Rally, Territories, and Captures.
The Field of Sorrow has 2 starting locations and uses standard, modified, and newly created Myth units. Be aware that the flame arrows are the best weapon the Fir'bolg have against the Skeleton Archer. There is plenty of flame arrow ammo lying about to pick up, so take advantage of them. This is a Light vs. Dark Myth style variant.
Units: Are Myth: The Fallen Lords, with modified and newly created units. A netgame frog I altered is used as the "Stampede" target, and a target dummy is used as the "Assassination" target.
The Light- Berserks
- Dwarven Heroes
- Journeymen
- Fir'bolg
- Warriors
- Warrior Captains
The Dark- Spiders
- Fetch
- Myrmidons
- Ghol Anarchists
- Thrall
- Skeleton Archers
- Wights
The games are Last Man on the Hill, Steal the Bacon, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, Territories, Flag Rally, Captures, Scavenger Hunt, Stampede!, and Assassination.
Special Thanks For:
Myth: The Fallen Lords
and Myth II: Soulblighter.
(C) 1997-98 Bungie Software Products Corporation
Amber by Vodi
© 1998-99 Hans Hvidsten Birkeland
Head Edit by Chris Dreessen
Copyright ©1998-99 Chris Dreessen, Badlands
HexEdit by Jim Bumgardner
Copyright © 1993 Jim Bumgardner
Mythed by Slava Karpenko and Eduard Ginzburg (atsoft@kagi.com)
Copyright ©1998, @soft
Tag Extractor by Vodi.
© 1998-99 Hans Hvidsten Birkeland
The Fallen Sounds by Bo Lindbergh
Copyright ©1998 Bo Lindbergh
All the testing done by the OWL order, and Mike Croft for originally suggesting what became the Ghol Anarchists. Also, Tom Hubbell and again Mike Croft for conceptualizing the Thrall Porter. Last, but not least; Scott Hughey, and Frank Evans for their dedication, and help during the beta testing.
Legal Stuff:
Everything contained in this plugin is Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie Software Products Corporation.
Have Fun!!

Myth and Myth II are trademark Bungie Software Products Corporation