
First Game: 1
Baak loves Bacon and will exploit the most obscure aspect of the game to get it. Dangerous when cornered or outnumbered. Beware Baak's Warlocks, Ghôls, Rocket Dorfs - and lone Journeymen...

First Game: 1
Steadfast and devastating, watch out for TS's Sak Cannons, Dwarves and Melee. TS loves to Steal Bacon at the last second and is always strong on LMOTH and King of the Hill...

First Game: 1
NKI - the man of many names - is one to be feared. NKI loves to rip apart the enemy with Trow, Myrks or Ghôls and is extremely dangerous in the end game. The pain... the pain...

First Game: 647
A relative newbie to the game, HS has rapidly become a serious threat. Beware the HS Dwarf and Wight. HS is especially strong in a team, excels at Flag Rally and never gives up a fight...

First Game: 665
VR is clever, skilled and sneaky - a dangerous combination. Tremble when facing VR's Archers and Warlocks, but most of all beware the slow creep of his never-ending Thrall...

First Game: 774
CobraKid has stepped in for HedgeSnake on several occasions and recently became a separate player (Game 2997). CK handles Dorfs with skill and has quietly become a major threat...

First Game: 870
The "Q" Factor. Quesø is a formidable opponent and an asset to any team. Beware the Quesø Dwarf, Ghôl, Warlock and Wight - heck, just keep on your toes when Q is around...

First Game: 1227
Frum will chortle like a Bandersnatch as your Vorpal blade breaks upon him. One seriously manxome foe, he'll leave you burbling like a jubjub bird after each and every encounter...

First Game: 1467
Hungrøsity has fought side-by-side with Quesø and is proving to be a most worthy adversary on the field of battle, especially when it comes to Rocket Dorfs. Best to keep one eye on H...

First Game: 1846
Monstertool joined in a rare OoH "Open Game Night" and was soon asked to join. MT fit right in to the dynamic H'Pak Style - deadly in BC and a master of the sneak attack...

First Game: 2886
Formerly of the venerable ~idiot~ order and a Special Guest for 181 games before joining, Milt is a most excellent addition to the OoH. Beware this seasoned Myth II veteran...

First Game: 2905
His name says it all. GK joined us as a Special Guest long ago and has drifted in and out like the Mists of Death. Not yet fully accustomed to the chaos that is OoH, he is learning very, very quickly...

First Game: 3339
A buddy of Quesø who fit in with OoH-style Myth from the get-go, NKO is becoming seasoned with the vast arsenal of OoH plugins. Luckily he has no problem going after Q just like the rest of us...

First Game: 3586
Our resident WWII Master, sillek is also adept at leading teams of the OoH into battle. When going one-on-one against him in WWII it is best to just pull the pin and jump on that 'nade straight off...

First Game: 4319
From the venerable Midnight Resistance (MiR) comes one of the wizards behind Weirdobodomons and other creations. Needless to say lank fits in perfectly with the OoH...

First Game: 4793
Zak has proven himself fully compatible with the philosophy of the OoH - To De Det! - and is an excellent addition to any team. Find him playing late nights on his favorite map: SHRDF Cage... ;)

First Game: 5060
A member of the Onyx Warlords mapmaking group and creator of the excellent Shiver's Turn solo/multi map, Pyro blends in nicely with the diverse nature of the OoH...

First Game: 5421
A chip off the ol' Frumius, Duffiek is likely being trained day and night by a Trebuchet Master. Little does Frum know we got to him first! An excellent addition to any team - keep an eye on Duff...

First Game: 5719
Also from the venerable Midnight Resistance (MiR), Skarg has played many a game with lank and is mastering the vast arsenal of OoH creations so quickly it's almost scary...